Chapter: 2754

Then, he took four steps backwards, recited the incantation, and entered above the gray mist�if he wanted to return to "Origin Castle" with just one thought, the prayers of all members of the Tarot Society must be superimposed to form a strong and solid An anchor that produces enough summoning power for The Fool.

With the help of the prayer spot, Klein used the "true vision" to check the situation of the North ruins in the distance, and found that the thin mist there was slowly but unstoppably dissipating, and there was not a single "spirit" on the surface of the city at a glance. The thread of the body�, people in flax-like robes or animal skin clothes fell in different places on the street, not as lively and busy as they saw when the City of Silver�s exploration team arrived here.

"The angels or sealed objects that occupied this city before realized that their whereabouts were exposed, and chose to migrate?" Klein made speculations based on the situation in front of him, while retracting his gaze, and looked at the gray mist supporting "Origin Castle". .

He is preventing that "Master of Miracles", or "Servant of Mysteries", or the corresponding sealed item, who is hiding in the historical void, ambushing the Extraordinary who explores the ancient city of North, he does not want to "jump" into the historical fog to hide When stalking, you will directly encounter a huge vortex formed by a group of transparent worms twisted and hugged, and you don't want to be chased by the slippery and terrifying tentacles.

Klein still feels terrified of Zaratul's ambush before, and has nightmares because of it from time to time, wanting to find Miss Justice for another psychological shadow treatment.

This was more stimulating to him than seeing Secret Puppet Eniyuni put on a monocle in front of him, and he was completely unable to move, because the Hounds of Fulgan were involved.

After confirming the safety of the historical pore, Klein returned to the real world, stretched out his hand, grabbed it forward, and dragged out his previous self, who also wore a half-height silk top hat, a black knee-length windbreaker, and a simple glass lantern.

In the next second, he "jumped" into the gray mist, and ran along the lit historical pores all the way to the place where the "corpses" of civilized cities were piled up before the First Epoch.

For him, this is a very ingenious "safe house", because apart from him, no "ancient scholar" can trace back to this prehistoric fragment that has been completely dated and lost.

Of course, for Klein, it took a lot of spirituality to come here all the way, and then he would stay for a quarter of an hour at most, and the premise was that his historical pore image did not make any heavy-duty attempts.

After hiding the main body, the Klein projection in the real world moved forward and quickly came to the outside of the North ruins.

He didn't approach and enter blindly. He walked around to a hill on the opposite side of the dry river bed, raised his right hand, and summoned the original secret puppet�the "Fallen Earl" Qona Skelg with a cold appearance and dark blue and almost black eyes. .

Quinas's body squirmed for a while, and he turned into Gehrman Sparrow in an instant. Then, he also reached out and took out a lantern from the hole in history.

The historical pore image summoned by this historical pore image, in the dim light of the lantern, confused the distance, and came to the outside of North City in a few steps, alone.

Immediately, holding the lantern, he walked through the decayed and collapsed buildings step by step, through the thin mist, and entered the ruins.

Compared with using the "true vision" above the gray fog, Klein discovered more details through contact with reality:

Most of the humans and monsters that fell in different places have shown signs of decay, and seem to have been abandoned for a long time;

Some of them sat on chairs under the eaves, some collapsed by the stove, some held moldy bread, some joined hands, and some leaned against the wall, sitting on the ground, with their lips on the bone flute...

This allowed Klein to imagine what the situation in the city-state was like when they were still "alive":

Some people are lazily resting, some are baking food, some are shopping along the street, some are concentrating on music, some are coming and going and laughing constantly, some are desperately fighting monsters in the arena...

This is such a lively and lively picture, but in fact, everyone has died long ago, no longer has their own soul, and just repeats the same behavior according to the predetermined method.

And on a certain day and at a certain moment, this weird scene also froze, and it ended in an instant, and everyone fell down without warning.

"A city-state made up of secret puppets, the most authentic theater... There was a similar situation in Misty Town back then... Although I am also a 'divinator', I still have to say that in terms of horror, horror and weirdness, our line The path can definitely be ranked in the top three... Do I have to do the same in the future? "Servant of Mysteries"?" Klein held a lantern, walked through the streets with many dead bodies, and followed his spiritual intuition to the ancient city of Nuos. go to the center.

The situation here convinced him that the person who once ruled the North ruins was definitely wise enough. After the Silver City exploration team broke the "tranquility" and "peace" here, he did not choose to kill people or annihilate clues, but did not Do not hesitate to drop everything and migrate to other places.

"Perhaps the reason why I didn't stop talking was because the City of Silver team was followed by Amon. Well, it might also be for the sake of the 'True Creator'..." Klein scattered his thoughts at will, and soon arrived at a place where it was not too late. Perfect church.

In this church stands a statue of a demon wolf with eight legs and covered with dark short hair.

There is a tuft of gray hair on the top of the statue's head, and the black pupils occupy at least three quarters of the eyes.

"It's not Freguera... the dark demonic wolf that occasionally appeared in the third era, the God of Wishes? He has been in the Land Abandoned by God for thousands of years, and finally found that Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic?" Klein just flashed After such a thought, the footsteps of "da", "da", "da" suddenly sounded in my ears.

He who was standing sideways immediately turned his gaze to the outside of the church, and saw a figure walking slowly in the thin mist, and quickly outlined a clear outline.

He was nearly 2.30 meters tall, with a slightly arched back, all white hair, wrinkles around his eyes, and scars around his mouth. He was wearing a dark clergy robe. He was a rather old priest or bishop.