Chapter: 2771

After a few seconds, her thoughts suddenly became active, and she calculated her savings:

After borrowing 2,400 pounds to Hugh, there was originally 780 pounds left... During this period of time, the expenses were not small, but the previous royalties were still in the account one after another, plus some other income and the 300 pounds returned by Hugh, the total was 1,258 pounds... enough��

Forsi was about to open her mouth to agree immediately, but she immediately found a question: "Do you want all gold coins?"

Reinette Tinekerr's four heads shook slightly: "Yes..." "You..." "Yes..." "I owe..."

Sure enough, they all want gold coins... I remember that Mister "World" has been trying to collect gold coins for a while, and exchange them for gold coins... also to pay this messenger? The relationship between him and his courier is so complicated... Uh, Mister "World" should have a lot of gold coins, I can just ask him to exchange 800 of them... Forsi secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay. "

After agreeing, she saw a head in the hand of the headless messenger raised up, biting the clothes on her shoulders.

The surrounding colors became richer and brighter, the red became redder, the black became blacker, and the white became whiter.

Reinette Tinekerr led Fors through a similar scene without distinguishing between east, west, north, up, down, left, right, and arrived at a place that seemed to be filled with light mist in a short time.

In the depths of the mist, one eye after another seemed to look over, but quickly shrank back.


When "Magician" Fors summoned Gehrman Sparrow's projection from the historical pore to Backlund, Klein's body immediately entered the fog of history and rushed all the way to the first era.

His consciousness then came alive in that projection, reducing Forsi's consumption.

In this way, Klein returned to Backlund indirectly, which is why he asked Ms. Magician to use this complicated method to summon the messenger.

As for the messenger summoned by the adventurer's harmonica, it is an objective existence and will not increase Forsi's spiritual burden. Even if Klein, the historical pore image, disappears, Reinette Tinekerr can still stay in reality if she wants to. world.

After a "teleportation", Klein's figure appeared in a secluded alley near St. Samuel's Church, and he used the ability of the "faceless man" to change his appearance and figure.

During this process, although there were still a few pedestrians in the alley, they were all affected by the illusion, and they did not notice that there was a sudden addition of a "companion".

Immediately afterwards, Klein straightened his clothes, pressed his hat, and walked quickly to St. Samuel's Church, and found a side seat in the large prayer hall.

After taking off his top hat and reciting his honorable name, he devoutly drew a crimson moon on his chest. Then, he clasped his hands, closed his eyes, and prayed to the "Goddess of the Night" in a low voice: "...I am looking for Wu An Traces of the Demon Wolf's past, in order to grasp his specific situation..."

Speaking of this, Klein remembered that the Dark Demon Wolf might be the former "colleague" of the "Goddess of the Night", and they should have a good understanding of each other, so he hurriedly added: "... I don't know if you can give me some enlightenment... ..."

He didn't wait for a response, and kept a calm mind, continuing to say: "...After this matter is completed, I plan to go east to see if I can reach the Western Continent, and see what the state is like there, and take this opportunity , jumped out of Amon's pursuit, and looked for another possibility..."

After praying, Klein tapped his chest clockwise four times again, and whispered, "Praise the goddess."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark night sky dotted with countless stars suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and there was an extra piece of information in his mind unconsciously.

That was information about the dark demonic wolf Kotal.

...Klein was stunned for a moment, and did not come back to his senses until the starry sky in front of him completely disappeared, and sincerely praised the goddess again.

After leaving St. Samuel's Church, he used "squirming hunger" and another "teleportation" to arrive near the Holy Wind Cathedral in the Jowood District.

He wanted to pray to the Lord of Storms as well.

Looking up at the towering spire, Klein hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should really enter the headquarters of the Church of the Storms in Backlund Parish.

"I'm just an image in the pores of history. I'm not afraid... I won't lose anything if I pray. What if the 'Storm Lord' hears about Amon's situation and decides to give me '0-32'? In that case , I don�t have to take great risks to hunt dark demon wolves... One has to have some expectations!� Klein thought for a moment, and finally made up his mind.

He cautiously raised his hand, and recruited the "winner" Enyuni, who had not been parasitized by Amon, from the historical pore, and let this secret puppet walk into the Holy Wind Cathedral in his own image.

Just a minute or two later, a dark cloud suddenly floated over Backlund, and there seemed to be a flash of silver-white lightning in the Holy Wind Cathedral, but no one noticed it.