Chapter: 2787

The reverse can also be true. Once a certain knowledge or legend is widely known and no longer mysterious, the magic or witchcraft created by drawing on its power will be almost ineffective.

Cattleya didn't know why the Queen could create all kinds of magical magic from the private fairy tales that Emperor Roselle told her, but this did not prevent her from learning and applying them. After all, she had learned from the "Queen of Mysteries" Heard those fairy tales.

The magic she used to temporarily transform herself and disguise herself was called "Cinderella", and it was the "little match girl" who caused the "Saint of Secrets" Botis to fall into the hallucination, thereby preventing the other party from "teleporting" and leaving. The fight that followed created opportunity.

Just when Botis got rid of the hallucination, "Cinderella" sitting on the pumpkin carriage stepped on the ground, spread her arms, and a huge cross appeared behind her.

And Cattleya seemed to be carrying this illusory thing.

In the empty room, a little candle was lit up, illuminating a long table with flesh and blood on it.

Around the long table, there were three extremely vague figures holding flesh and blood and devouring them continuously.

As if aware of something, the three figures turned their heads at the same time and looked at Botis. Seeing this "Holy One of Mystery", his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he felt a coolness welling up from the depths of his soul.

Immediately he heard illusory gnawing, chewing, and digesting sounds, and felt unabashed malice and hunger.

Botis's eyelids twitched, he quickly lowered his head, and cast his eyes on the "Box of the Past" in his hand.

That silver-black, mysterious box opened at some point by itself!

The magic that Cattleya used just now is called "Betrayal of Betrayal". It comes from the mystical knowledge of "Death of the Ancient Sun God" she learned from the Tarot Society. They make "betrayal"!

Undoubtedly, this will have a very good effect when encountering a sealed item that is full of malice to its holder.

But if it wasn't for the blessing of Mister Fool every time she monitored the gathering, Cattleya wouldn't dare to use this magic at all.

Once sensed by the three protagonists of "The Banquet of Betrayal", she will definitely die inexplicably, with no power to resist, and in an extremely horrifying death.

Therefore, "occultists" are absolutely high-risk groups. Their strength comes from walking on the edge of the "abyss", from what they shouldn't know, what they shouldn't see, and what they shouldn't hear.

In comparison, Bernadette, the "Queen of Mysteries" who can create magic from the private fairy tales told by her father, is much safer than her peers at the "Mysticist" stage.

Latest URL: In the first floor of the opened "Box of the Old Days", the long table, chairs, Forsi and others are like dolls, either stationary, or driven by clockwork, doing repeated and simple movements.

Seeing this scene, Botis's hairs stood on end, and somehow he had the feeling that he would also join and become one of them.

He instinctively wanted to react to the "0" level sealed item in his hand, but he saw the woman in the hood and purple robe next to the pumpkin carriage withdrew her right hand, half-holding it to her mouth.

In an instant, a dark, ancient horn condensed in her palm, carrying an extremely heavy and powerful connotation.

"The Magic Horn", the Horn of Destruction!

Botis' pupils dilated suddenly, and he didn't care about dealing with the "Old Box". He grabbed it forward with his right hand, as if lifting the invisible veil covering the void.

The area he was in was twisted again, disappeared, and was hidden.


The horn in Cattleya's hand made a low sound, which echoed in the room, but did not spread out.

Under the superposition of sound waves, the shadows shattered, the ground cracked, and the space hidden by "Saint of Secrets" Botis was like thick glass that had been hammered, with countless cracks emerging and intertwining at the same time.

On the other side, a tall knight in black full-body armor jumped out of the shadows. He was holding a long and wide straight sword, and two clusters of crimson light shone from his eye sockets.

"Dark Saint" Kesma.
