Chapter: 2790

"The Spear of Longinus"!

The latest website: The blood-stained spear that seemed to have appeared in an untraceable ancient age absorbed all the presence in the room, and immediately stabbed the "Saint of Secrets" Botis.

The solid brown-haired Botis' figure suddenly blurred, turning into a deep black door that opened opposite.

At the same time, he appeared behind the "door", and he was in two different worlds with the terrifying spear, facing each other far away.

In the next moment, the spear stained with dark red blood pierced through the deep black door and penetrated into the space where Botis was.

The figure of Botis keeps receding and changing, turning into virtual doors one after another. Some of them are composed of two curved stone figures, some have a hole the size of a fist beside the crack of the door, and some are inlaid With silver nails, some are covered with mysterious patterns, one after another, one after another, layer upon layer, innumerable.

Silently, the "Spear of Longinus" pierced through these illusory doors without any pause, and did not allow "Saint of Secrets" Botis to find a chance to escape.

In less than a second, the blood-stained spear exuding a strong sense of destruction shattered countless illusory doors. After the breath dropped significantly, it finally stabbed the target's chest.

Numerous cracks appeared in Botis's body in an instant, like a ceramic object that fell to the ground.

With a click, the "Holy One of Secrets" turned pitch black, disintegrated into pieces, and scattered all over the ground.

This is not like his body, but his shadow.

This is the shadow substitution technique he "recorded" from a certain Sequence 3 saint under the "True Creator".

Of course, if it wasn't for the layer upon layer of "doors" that weakened the "Spear of Longinus", Botis felt that his shadow and body might be broken together.

After narrowly dodging the blow, Botis resisted the dizziness of his head and the impact of Cattleya's incomplete mythical creature form, and a giant silver snake without scales condensed in his eyes.

This giant snake was so big that it filled Botis's eyes, and the surface was densely patterned and marked to form mysterious wheels one after another.

It connects end to end, merges with countless illusory rivers, and evolves into a vague, unreal, slowly rotating huge round wheel, and around the round wheel, there are various symbols representing different futures .

Huo Ran,

The pitch-black fragments that hadn't disappeared from the ground flew up one after another, reorganizing into Botis.

The "Longinus Spear" stained with dark red blood quickly retreated from one after another rapidly forming illusory gates, until it returned to the distorted "black group".

The aura of strong fear receded like a tide, and he left the room.

The "black blob" full of cracks and eyeballs squirmed back into place, turning back into a woman in a dark hood and black robe with purple patterns.

Everything is back to before the "ugly duckling" magic was used.

"Restart of Destiny"!

This is one of the rewards that "Holy One of Secrets" Botis received for subverting the Abraham family before. It is a Sequence 1 extraordinary ability "recorded" from "Angel of Destiny" Ouroreus.

Of course, there must be a huge gap between this and the original version. It can only "restart" the reality within three seconds, only "restart" such a room that has been opened up, and it can't even affect the entire first floor of the apartment.

As soon as the "restart" ended, the "Dark Saint" Kesma, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately took action.

The distorted black shadow that was herded by him, originating from the blood count, opened its arms and made a gesture of embracing the red moon.

The darkness around Cattleya surged, instantly forming one after another illusory but solid black chains, binding her firmly in place.

And the flesh and blood covering the ground, walls and ceiling frantically gathered together, turning into a knight covered in black full-body armor, holding a deep giant sword, and extremely oppressive.

In the gap of the "Black Knight" mask, two groups of crimson light flickered slightly, and instantly locked on the hooded woman beside the pumpkin carriage.