Chapter: 282

"Yes, I don't know if I was born with it. Maybe the price of that ability is to forget myself, the past, and my parents." Azik stared at the river with a slightly sad look.

The more Klein listened, the more confused he became: "Forget the past?"

Azik smiled without a smile and said: "Before I entered the History Department of Backlund University, I lost most of my memory, and I only remembered my name and basic knowledge. Fortunately, fortunately, I have an ID card , otherwise I can only become a homeless man. For so many years, I have searched for my parents based on the identity certificate, but nothing has been found, even if I can see a corner of fate."

"And during those few years in college, I gradually discovered that I possessed some strange abilities, abilities beyond the scope of common sense."

Klein listened very intently, and blurted out, "Mr. Azik, why did you lose your memory? No, what I mean is, did you find the reason for your memory loss at the scene?"

He suspects that Mr. Azik is a member of the life school with amnesia, or even a member of the mid-sequence with no low status-this is the counterpart of the "monster", a secret organization that has produced "prophets", and mainly passes on from master to student.

Azik shook his head heavily: "No, it seems that I have forgotten the past after falling asleep."

Holding his cane, he took a few steps forward, and said as he walked, "After leaving Backlund, I began to dream, and I dreamed of many strange things..."

Dream? I'm good at interpreting dreams! Klein, who entered the professional field, immediately asked, "What kind of dream?"

Azik chuckled vaguely: "Many, many different dreams, sometimes, I would dream about the dark interior of the mausoleum, dreaming of ancient coffins, the corpses inside were lying on their stomachs, and a root grew out of their backs. Sometimes, I dream that I am a knight in full armor, holding a three-meter long spear, and rushing towards the enemy."

"Sometimes I dream that I am a lord with a rich manor, a beautiful wife and three children. Sometimes I dream that I am a tramp, walking on a muddy road in the rain, cold and cold. Hungry."

"Sometimes, I dream that I have a daughter, a daughter who is different from the previous children. She has smooth black hair, likes to sit on the swing I made by myself, and always asks for candy from me. Sometimes, I dreamed that I was standing by the gallows, looking coldly at the floating corpses above..."

Listening to Azik's babbling, Klein found that he couldn't interpret the dream of the other party, because the symbols of different dreams were opposite and contradictory!

Azik withdrew his gaze, and his voice was no longer erratic: "The Fenepot Kingdom in the south believes in the Mother of the Earth, and the Church of the Mother of the Earth promotes a concept. They believe that every life is a 'plant' that absorbs the earth. Nutrients, slowly growing, flourishing, and decaying."

"When they wither, these lives will fall into the earth and return to the mother's embrace. In the next year, they will grow again, and the flowers will bloom and fall. Year after year, life is like this, life after life."

"Sometimes, I am willing to believe this statement, and believe that because of my own speciality, I can dream of the previous life, and the fragments of the previous life."

Having said that, he looked at Klein and sighed, "I haven't even told Cohen about these things. The reason I'm telling you is because I..."

Azik paused and smiled: "I'm sorry, my description just now was not accurate enough. The incongruity of your fate is not the only thing I can see. I also see another thing."

"Klein, you are no longer a normal person. You have extraordinary and strange abilities, just like me."

Mr. Ards can see that I am a Extraordinary? His ability is really powerful... Klein was taken aback for a moment, and replied calmly, "Yes."

He thought for a while, and added, "Because of Welch and Naya."

"Sure enough, it's as I expected..." Azik sighed, "Among the policemen who came to the school to question me and Cohen, there were two people with extraordinary abilities."

That should be the captain and Leonard, they took over Welch's case... Klein nodded indistinctly, without interrupting.

Azik raised his cane slightly and said, "You should have already entered that circle. I hope you can help me find clues to my origin. You don't need to do it specially, just remember it when you encounter it."

Speaking of this, he had a wry smile: "I don't know anyone else with extraordinary abilities except you... You can never imagine what kind of emotions a person without a past would have, it would be like drifting in the The most terrible thing for a ship on the sea is not to encounter a storm, but to be unable to find a port or a route to land, and can only meet disasters again and again, never ending, never feeling calm and safe. "

No, Mr. Ards, I can understand your feelings very well, because I am also the same person. Fortunately, I have the memory fragments of the original owner, and I have Benson and Melissa... Klein silently replied, Instead, he asked, "Mr. Azik, why don't you, who possess such a magical ability, enter a similar circle and find useful clues by yourself?"

Azik looked into Klein's eyes and laughed at himself, "Because I'm afraid of danger and death."

He sighed and said, "I'm used to the life I live now, and I like it too. I don't want to and I don't have the courage to take risks. I can only ask you."

Klein didn't say any more, and promised: "If I can find relevant clues, I will pay special attention."

"Okay, it's time for us to go back to the office. When Cohen comes back from his work, we will have lunch together. Do you remember? The East Balam restaurant in the school is pretty good, heh, I'm treating you." Azik raised his cane, Point in the direction you came from.