Chapter: 2829

Seeing that the high priest was hesitant and didn't answer right away, Xin took the initiative to say: "High priest, Your Excellency Sparrow has separated part of the fog just now, which is deeper than what we have done in the past two or three thousand years!"

Nim couldn't help but stared deeply at Gehrman Sparrow again, and then said: "More than 1,730 years ago, the high priest at that time tried cruelly in Moon City for nearly 2,000 years without any results. In front of the facts, there was an inspiration.

"He feels that he can't treat this mist purely as a barrier that needs to be opened and a seal that needs to be broken through, but as a great existence.

"He designed honorable names, prayer words, and corresponding symbols for this fog, and held rituals here again and again, trying to communicate and pray."

...This is really a way of thinking that normal people can't think of... I didn't think of it just now... Sure enough, after so many years, there must have been many people with strange thinking in Moon City... The time of more than three thousand years is not given for nothing... �Klein felt emotional for a while, nodded slightly and said, "Is there any feedback after that?"

Nim replied in the affirmative with a nasal voice, and continued: "Once, the high priest changed the first sentence of his honorific name to 'the eternal mist...', and then, in the following ceremony, he In the epilogue part, I vaguely heard voices coming from the depths of the fog. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear them clearly, and I couldn't try to interpret the specific meaning.

"From then to now, we have held countless ceremonies, and found that not every time there is a response, and even if there is a response, it may not be so timely. We need to wait patiently."

Thoughts in Klein's mind were spinning rapidly, and he asked while thinking, "How many times can it be successful?"

"There is no pattern, sometimes it is successful once, and sometimes there may not be any feedback in a month." High Priest Nim sighed, "We have made many improvements, but none of them are useful."

"Did you hear what those voices were saying afterward?" Klein turned to ask.

"No, maybe our sequence is not high enough, and our strength is not strong enough." Nim shook his head.

If this is the reason, then I can give it a try... Klein pondered for a few seconds and asked politely: "Can you perform the correct ceremony again? I want to hear those voices."

Such a courtesy made Nim unable to refuse, and did not dare to refuse.

He hesitated for a moment and said: "Yes, but many materials are in Moon City, you need to wait for a while."

Klein thought for a while and asked, "Have you ever used those materials?"

"Used it." Nim asked slightly confused.

Klein nodded indifferently and said, "Then let's hold it directly. Tell me when the materials were last used and where they are nearby."

After listening to High Priest Nim's answer, Klein held the lantern and walked twenty or thirty steps to the right along the gray mist.

Then, he half-closed his eyes, as if sensing something, which made the Beyonders of Moon City who followed behind him completely afraid to make a sound, for fear of disturbing the envoy.

After four or five seconds, Klein stretched out his right hand, and slowly grabbed the air in front of him.

A stone altar then fell into reality from nothingness, on which were placed three grease candles and seven or eight kinds of spiritual materials.

Nim, who is a demigod of Sequence 4, was taken aback for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

When he saw Gehrman Sparrow take out his cane and heal his companion before, he just thought that the other party had the ability in space or was favored by that Mister Fool, but now, his judgment was completely overturned, because He was familiar with the altar, those candles, and those spiritual materials.

They are all used by him!

He can actually get out the things I used? Is this a power derived from history, from time? Nim recalled some of the remaining classics in Moon City, combined with his own knowledge of demigods, and made some preliminary guesses.

At this moment, Klein turned his head, looked at the high priest and said, "You can start now."

Nim quietly took a breath, and under the watchful eyes of Adal, Xin, Ruth and others, he walked to the altar step by step and created a spiritual wall.

After glancing at the symbols, logos, and patterns engraved on the altar, and confirming that there were no problems, he followed the procedure engraved into his memory, and performed the ceremony very skillfully.

At the end, he lowered his head and recited in a low voice: "The eternal mist;

"The barrier that freezes time and space;