Chapter: 2831

Earl Hall nodded: "What Hibbert said is generally correct, and this is also my thought."

Audrey pursed her lips, nodded slowly and said, "I understand..."

Earl Hall withdrew his gaze and said to Hibbert: "The hoarded food must be well guarded. If the result of the war is really irreversible, try to contact the guys from Intis and show our sincerity.

"The battlefield has lasted for so long, and many people have died. Many fields have been abandoned, and prices in cities have skyrocketed. There must be a strong demand for food, pastures, and forest land. The shares in the bank, as well as part of the shares in Bavat Bank and Backlund Bank, should be able to buy them, hehe, at this time, only when the requirements in this regard are met can we talk about kinship."

Intis and Loen are often married, and many nobles are relatives, especially the believers of steam.

"Father, are you considering surrendering?" Hibbert asked in surprise.

Earl Hall nodded slightly, and sighed again: "How can I not consider the current situation?

"At that time, you will be the new Earl of Hall."

Heber was shocked when he heard it, but he was quite puzzled: "Father, what about you?"

Earl Hall replied with a wry smile: "Your mother and I are both devout believers and have a certain status in the church. When Loen falls and the church is destroyed, if we are not willing to leave the front desk, the ending will not be happy."

Speaking of this, he comforted his eldest son: "As long as the Hall family is still there, the title is still there, and the loss of core assets is not much, we will not have a miserable old age. After you convert to steam, remember to prepare for us at home. A secret prayer room."

During the conversation between the two, Audrey, who was wearing a gold and white dress at the door, watched and listened quietly, her green eyes were like gems.


After trying again and again, with the disappearance of the altar projection, Nim, the high priest of Moon City, said to Gehrman Sparrow who was carrying the strange lantern: "It doesn't seem to work today, you can try again tomorrow, the longest Not more than two months."

At this moment, Klein's mind was full of another question:

Could it be that the ceremony was not successful because of the perfunctory use of historical pore images?

He deeply reviewed himself, and decided to listen to the words of the High Priest of Moon City, and try again tomorrow. When the time comes, he must ask the other party to bring real materials.

Just as he was about to nod his head, a faint voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

The voice came from the depths of the gray mist, layer upon layer, faint and extremely vague.

Has it worked? This ceremony really worked, but the delay was too high... Klein was overjoyed, and immediately raised his right hand, lowered it slightly, and signaled the Beyonders in Moon City not to speak.

He immediately held his breath, collected his thoughts, and began to listen intently.

The sound that echoed in the gray mist seemed to come from many different objects, they were intertwined, sometimes interfered with each other, canceled each other, sometimes overlapped and resonated.

Gradually, the voice became clearer in Klein's ears, especially when it resonated.

It seemed to be a language he was familiar with, and it seemed that countless people were chanting a name together.

The name is: "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun".

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun."

When he clearly heard the voices deep in the gray mist, Klein trembled slightly, and the back of his head went numb for an instant.

This feeling quickly spread to the top of his head and to various parts of his body, causing tiny pimples to bulge on the surface of his skin.

This is the second time he heard the name "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" from "others" in the real world, and the first time Amon said it by stealing his ideas. In fact, he didn't know the specific meaning, nor really. Master this "mantra".

So, essentially, now is the first time.