Chapter: 284

"Very well, all the debts you owed have been paid off." Klein replied in a good mood.

"I'm sorry, there's not much content on this page of the diary." Audrey expressed what she remembered on the realized parchment.

Klein raised his right hand, allowing the parchment to appear directly in his palm, and said casually: "This does not affect my promise, and the diary you brought last time has both positive and negative sides."

��The diaries collected by Zhengyi and the Hanged Man are not the original editions of Emperor Roselle, but belong to the transcribed and transcribed editions of later researchers. Some people will record them on one side for preservation, and some will keep them as they are for convenience.

While speaking, Klein squinted his eyes and looked at the first few lines of the diary: "December 20th is about to start a new year, but the feedback I received one after another made me very confused and embarrassed."

"There is no oil in this world! There is no oil!"

No oil? Is it not found for some reason, or is it really not there?

It has been more than 150 years since Emperor Roselle was assassinated, and there is still no trace of oil...

Klein's pupils shrank, and the hand holding the diary almost trembled.

Without oil, it not only means that the emergence of the internal combustion engine will become unknown, but it will also lead to the stagnation of the chemical industry, making it impossible to establish a modern industry in the true sense of the earth!

In other words, the future development of this world was somewhat unexpected for Klein.

His original plan was that although he knew a little about everything and was unable to do inventions and creations, the advantage was that he knew a little about everything and could foresee the direction of change and the trend of the times. If you have a pot of gold, make venture capital in promising industries, and don't put all your eggs in the same basket.

Klein felt that in this way, he would have a lot of wealth sooner or later. At that time, he would find White Gloves to act as an agent on the surface, and then set up an international charitable fund to relieve the poor on the surface and secretly fund laborers from all over the world to rebel. Gaming with the upper class of society to improve the lives of the people at the bottom.

If he finds a way to return to Earth, he will divide the property, one third to Benson, one third to Melissa, and one third to his foundation.

However, it is a pity that half of this beautiful vision of the future was shattered just now.

"Fortunately, fortunately, this world has electricity and magnetism, and there are successful cases of telegraphs. I will mainly invest in this direction in the future..." Klein settled down, and his eyes moved down line by line: "December 21, Don't think about oil anymore, improving your sequence level is the kingly way!"

"On December 22, the environment in the old town of Lishe was so dirty that it was unacceptable. If I hadn't visited incognito, I might never have known that it still maintained the appearance I saw when I was young. I want to call my Ministers, formulate a 'capital sewer and public toilet improvement plan', um, correct the wrong habits of the residents, let them boil hot water for drinking, wash their hands frequently, wash their faces, don't litter, defecate anywhere, use condoms as much as possible , Haha, I thought of how to name this matter, Patriotic Sanitation Movement!"

"So, the invention of the condom has to be put on the agenda, as well as items such as masks and paper cups. Well, the most primitive version will do. Give it a try. Thank the world, it also has rubber trees."

"December 23rd, maybe I should consider that suggestion and leave a way out for myself outside the Church of the God of Craftsman, for example, join that ancient, secretive organization that secretly affects the world situation?"

Seeing this, Klein suddenly found that there was nothing below, and his mood was beyond words: "My lord, what is the name of that ancient, secret organization that secretly affects the world situation that you mentioned? Is it something I don't know? "

"How can you stop here? Why don't you write a few more sentences?"

"It's the same as when I read a novel, saw the end, and found out that the author is a eunuch..."

"Also, the emperor knows how to play the patriotic health campaign..."

"The content of this diary should be located after he became the consul of the Republic of Intis. Maybe he called himself Caesar."

"I have to go back and look through the books, double the foreign history textbooks, and see in which year Intis's 'Capital Sewer and Public Toilet Improvement Plan' appeared."

After being silent for more than ten seconds, Klein restrained his thoughts, let the diary in his hand disappear immediately, and said, "You can communicate now."

Audrey breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted her status, became an "audience", and said with a slight smile: "I want to know if there is a sequence potion whose name is 'Arbiter', and also, what kind of Extraordinary can directly pass through the wooden door, Or invalidate the anti-lock?"

I know this... Klein, who was shrouded in gray mist, was about to speak, but the Hanged Man preempted him: "I need you to help me investigate something in exchange for an answer."

"What is it?" Audrey asked with interest and doubts.

Alger glanced at the Fool, and said thoughtfully: "I want to know if the king intends to take revenge on the Feysac Empire within this year or before June next year, and start a new war on the east coast of Balam."