Chapter: 286

After saying this, he suddenly realized that he was also a member of other organizations, he was a real Nighthawk, and the Hanged Man was probably also related to the Church of the Lord of Storms.

Could it be that my Tarot Club is the so-called "League of Betrayers"? "Twenty-five Cubs Gathering"? Klein fell into deep thought.

"I understand." Audrey was excited again, and immediately thought of a question, "Mr. Fool, if I find a gentleman or lady suitable for the Tarot Society, can I guide them to join? How should I guide them?"

Alger thought for a moment, then asked: "Mr. Fool, what are the criteria for joining the follow-up members of our party? How should we judge?"

Have ideals, be moral, be cultured, be disciplined... These four phrases popped up in Klein's mind instantly.

He remained silent for a few seconds, and said after justice and the Hanged Man felt a little uneasy: "If you think it is suitable, you can tell me here, and I will decide whether to let him join. Before that, you can't give any hints." behavior, that will lead to the leakage of the secrets of the existence of the Tarot Society, you have to remember, for non-members of the party..."

Klein paused, then said in a deep voice, "Without my permission, you are not allowed to recite my name."

"My name must not be recited without my permission."


A few minutes after the party ended, Audrey and Alger, who returned to their bedroom and the captain's cabin, seemed to be still echoing the words the Fool had just said.

In their impression, the mysterious and powerful Mister Fool is either relaxed and comfortable, or calm and indifferent, or unpredictable, and rarely shows such a solemn and condescending attitude.

And it was precisely because of this that the two of them were extremely frightened and willing to obey from the bottom of their hearts:

They are not unfamiliar with similar style of words, but they are all recorded in "Revelation of the Night" and "Book of Storms"!


Daffodil Street, West District, Tingen.

Klein opened the curtains, allowing golden sunlight to shine into the bedroom.

After justice and the Hanged Man left, he looked at the "star" that had prayed, but this time he didn't get any information.

According to the fact that the crimson "star" has the function of saving prayers, which is similar to offline messages, Klein believes that in the interval between his two recent trips above the gray fog, the boy who spoke the giant language did not pray again.

This made him wonder if the other party's parents were hopeless, so he chose to give up...

With his back to the sun, Klein walked to the bed and slammed down on his stomach, not wanting to move.

He knew that he should hurry up and go to the divination club to continue the process of digestion, but he still didn't want to move, he just wanted to lie quietly and enjoy the rare rest day.

From Tuesday to Friday, his daily schedule is very full. In the morning, there are occult courses and corresponding practices. In the afternoon, there are shooting training and fighting exercises. Nismen, eat, drink and scatter underground, and have to persist until Sunday morning.

Sunday morning belongs to Klein's sleep time. In the afternoon, he decides whether to go to the divination club according to the situation. On Monday morning, he just went to Howie University. In short, he has been busy all week, and he has little chance to rest and relax.

Therefore, at this moment, Klein just wanted to be decadent once, to stay at home like a salted fish, doing nothing or thinking, and just in a daze.

"No, how can the boss of a 'cult' organization be so sad? If Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man find out, their three views will be shattered..." Klein buried his face in the quilt and encouraged himself.

"I have the recipe for the clown potion, and I'm waiting for the fortune-teller's potion to be completely digested... I have the recipe for the clown potion, and I'm waiting for the fortune-teller's potion to be completely digested..."

He muttered a few words to himself, turned over suddenly, and sat up.

Taking out a brass-colored coin from his trouser pocket, Klein quickly divined whether it was suitable to go to the club today, and got an affirmative answer.

"five four three two one!"

After the countdown was over, he forced himself to stand up straight, walked to the coat rack, and took off his tuxedo jacket and half-tight silk top hat.