Chapter: 2883

Of course, as a demigod, Karaman would not be cursed to death so easily.

In the past, he could use methods such as "moonlight transformation" and "transformation of bats" to weaken the damage caused by the curse, and kept moving at high speed, while avoiding attacks, while reciting the honorable name of the angel of the Rose School of thought, but that round of dyed Under the light of the bright silver moon, his body seemed to be frozen and frozen, and he could no longer perform similar actions.

As Karaman's thoughts flashed, the puppet "General Without Pupils" sitting on his shoulder stood up and let out an extremely ear-piercing cry.

The surrounding glass windows shattered, turned into "bullets", and shot at Sharon floating in midair. The eyeball-shaped glass ball flew up by itself without a controller, and let it land in midair. There was a huge beam of light wrapped around countless flames.

This beam of light enveloped Sharon, making the surroundings bright, as if it was daytime.

"General without pupils" can affect magical items that lose their holders and let them help you!

In "Yang Yan", the figure of Sharon, who had turned into Karaman's appearance, melted obviously, and her facial expression distorted uncontrollably. Half of the large number of glass shards melted into the beam of light, and half shot through her body.

Karaman screamed again, and Emlyn's body was cold, and his blood seemed to have turned into frost.

Bloody holes appeared one after another on the body surface of this "Witch King", and his whole body was like a candle thrown into the fireplace, slowly softening and dripping grease.

Any damage to the "source of curse" will be reflected on the target!

As a demigod of the Rose School of Thought, Karaman undoubtedly knew this. What he did just now was to exchange damage for damage and force Sharon to stop cursing on her own initiative.

Under the magic of the "sun" domain, dark and evil creatures such as "puppets", "wraiths", "living corpses", and "werewolves" are obviously more powerful than "vampires", "professors of potion", "crimson scholar", etc. ", "Witch King" and others were more seriously injured!

That is to say, the continuous "Yangyan" blows will make Sharon disappear directly, but they can only severely damage Karaman, and the demigods of the "Moon" path have super self-healing ability.

In just one second, "Witch King" Karaman, relying on his rich experience and profound knowledge of mysticism, accurately grasped the problem of "the source of the curse", and chose the method that is most suitable for him and can be effective in the shortest time .

But at this moment, Emlyn White, who had lost his "Pure White Sight" and summoned a strange moon, came back to his senses, took out a copper-green notebook with a hard case, and flipped it into one of the Page.

There was a crackling sound, and lightning bolts leaped out of thin air one after another, interweaving into a storm that exuded a strong and destructive aura, and "Witch King" Karaman was swept into it at once.

"Lemano's Travel Notes", "Lightning Storm"!

Karaman, who temporarily lost the ability to "moonlight" and "flash" within a certain range, was unable to dodge at all, and was severely struck by silver lightning one after another.

Sharon took the opportunity to remove the "source of curse" status, lest the damage suffered by the target be reflected on her side.

However, her face was significantly paler than before, and her breath became quite weak.

The "Yang Yan" beam of light just now did indeed cause her considerable damage.

The mass of silvery white that erupted quickly extinguished, and Karaman's body surface had turned pitch black.

The scorched skin and flesh and blood continued to fall off, while new flesh and blood squirmed and grew in the original position.

The body of the "general without pupils" blurred quickly, and seemed to have turned into a ghost, ready to possess Karaman and move him laterally out of the current area to avoid subsequent blows.

At this moment, a head with blond hair and red eyes suddenly appeared, biting the delicate doll's head in one bite.

Karaman, who was still a little paralyzed, looked subconsciously and saw a lady without a head.

The lady was wearing a gloomy and complicated Gothic dress, holding four blond and red-eyed heads.

Reinette Tinekerr!


In that vast desert, Reinette Tinekerr, who was besieging the "Abominable" Siea together with Azik, Arianna, and the silver-white giant snake, suddenly became dull-eyed, and her movements also became dull. Do it instinctively.