Chapter: 294

In addition, "Justice" felt that the two Extraordinary she had just met were worthy of development. For example, each had a good identity cover, each had certain and different resource channels, and each had its own persistence and strength. The characteristic is that they are not the kind of people who will sell secrets at will. The only problem is that they only have Sequence 9, which is not suitable for a high-end and strict secret organization like "Tarot Club".

High-end organization? I feel more like a pyramid scheme... At that time, "The Fool" Klein just wanted to hide his face and sigh deeply. He couldn't find the words to deal with the good self-feeling towards Miss "Justice". observation.

Of course, "Justice" was not the naive and romantic girl at the beginning. She carefully did not mention the names and characteristics of the two Extraordinary beings, for fear that the "Hanged Man" would find out about herself.

"Miss Justice said that she clearly felt the signs of the potion digesting, and maybe in three or four weeks, she will be able to complete the role of 'audience'... The formula of 'Mind Reader' has to be put on the agenda..." Wiped the body Klein put the towel aside, and while wearing his underwear, he was thinking about what happened at the "Tarot Club" the day before yesterday.

In the past twenty days, he only met Dr. Duster Guderian once, and out of the idea of ??haste, he only chatted about the other party's status and asked the Psychological Alchemy Association some irrelevant things .

And the speed with which "Justice" digested the potion made him have to think ahead of time how to get the Sequence 8 "Mind Reader" formula from Daxter.

After buttoning his shirt one by one, Klein picked up another dry towel and wrapped it around his head to absorb the moisture from his short hair.

Compared with "Justice", his speed of digesting the "Seer" potion is not slow. By this week, in the state of meditation and spiritual vision, there have been no more things like hearing voices that shouldn't be heard, and seeing things that shouldn't be seen. .

Flipping the towel, Klein wiped his hair again, looked up at the door, and said silently to himself: "The 'Seer's Rules' I summarized are indeed effective, next week should be able to completely digest the potion... ...I don't know where to get the Honakis gray goat unicorn crystal and human face rose in the 'clown' formula... Maybe I can follow Ms. Daly and submit a special application... But that will definitely attract the attention of the upper echelon... I Now I just want to develop obscenely... The Aurora Society's followers in the police department have also been found, but I still don't know who Mr. Z is..."

"Henry said that the 'Red Chimney' commission can be completed before the end of this week... My private money has recovered to just over 7 pounds, so I don't have to worry about how to pay the balance..."

"There is no problem with some of the houses and residents' information he gave before, and I don't have time to check them one by one..."

"Maybe start by seeing which house with the red chimney recently changed occupants?"

"Well, that's an idea."


After sitting quietly for twenty or thirty seconds, he put on the gray and black trousers, put on the bow tie, fastened the gun bag, threw the replaced knight practice clothes into the laundry basket, opened the door and walked out of the bathroom�he had just finished fighting training on Wednesday afternoon Not long after, he was still at teacher Gao Wen's home.

"Hello, Mr. Moretti." Gawain's handyman just happened to pass by, and hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Klein nodded slightly, pointed to the messy and wet bathroom and said, "Please clean it up."

"This is my duty. The laundry will be handled by the laundry lady. She will come at six o'clock." The handyman replied with her head down.

Laundry and laundry workers do not include food and lodging, and their pay is very low, so they are not only employed by one family, but often contract the clothes of many nearby residents, or rush to the market every day, and immediately go to another house after washing one house , or collect them all at home and process them together, and send them back one by one. Only in this way can they barely survive.

Klein didn't say any more, came to the living room, and said goodbye to the owner who was sitting in the rocking chair.

He saw Gawain with gray temples nodding his head lifelessly, with a light brown blanket spread over his legs and holding a copy of "Ahowa Evening Post" in his hand.

Klein knew that the man in front of him, bathed in the slanting sunlight, was actually just in his early fifties, but he looked as if he was eighty or ninety years old.

During the usual fighting training, Gao Wen also kept silent, and only spoke when it was time to point out. He never talked too much or chatted. Klein was so exhausted every day that he lacked the desire to take the initiative to talk, so the relationship between the two parties has not reached the present level. Still indifferent.

"Looking at Mr. Gao Wen's demonstration, his strength is quite astonishing, and his steps are quick enough. It is estimated that he can hit me three times without any problem... He has a salary from the police department, and he bought a movie in the countryside on the outskirts of Tingen. The land can be charged a fixed rent... He employs a cook, a handyman, a laundry woman... In the big foodie country on the earth, a gentleman in his fifties and sixties with such a fortune has already traveled all over the world... ..."

Klein withdrew his gaze from Gao Wen, shook his head secretly, then came to the coat rack, and took off his half-height silk top hat and thin black windbreaker.

Fully dressed, he took his cane, walked out of the house, and approached the gate along the flagstone road with weeds growing on both sides.

At this moment, he saw a two-wheeled carriage parked outside the iron fence, and a familiar man was standing there.

"Leonard?" Klein looked suspiciously at his Nighthawk teammates with disheveled hair, and whispered to himself.

Leonard was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and buttonless leather boots. He was spinning his hat in his hand. When he saw Klein coming out, he smiled and said, "Are you surprised?"

There was only surprise, no joy... Klein ignored the other party's indecency, stared at the fake poet's green eyes and said, "What's the matter?"