Chapter: 2994

Arianna seemed to have thought about this situation a long time ago, and said without any lag: "In a certain oracle in the past, the goddess called '0-02' a 'rule book'."

"Rule book"... This is even more terrifying... Klein's eyes narrowed slightly as he thought of a lot.

He was also a game lover in his previous life, and he covered a wide range of games, but he was not so addicted, and he was not unfamiliar with the term "rule book" at all.

At this time, Arianna added: "The fact that you happened to come to Beldan City may also reveal some of the characteristics of '0-02'."

Yes, it is quite normal for Ms. Arianna to follow the great patriarch Larion to Beldan and encounter this mutation, but it is a bit too coincidental that I happen to be here... In mysticism , too much coincidence often means something is wrong...

Is there someone arranging for me, or is it the effect of the Law of Extraordinary Characteristics Convergence? Judging from the current situation, the arrangement lacks sufficient purpose to prove it, and I am already the owner of "Origin Castle", so I can more or less detect a little abnormality... If it is the law of aggregation of Extraordinary characteristics, exclude the exiled Mr. "Gate" and the ancestor of the Antigonus family who were sealed in the misty town,

The only ones who can affect me to this extent are Zaratul and Amon...

However, I have been deliberately avoiding Zaratul, and Amon's body is being chased by the "True Creator". If it is just a clone, it will not be able to produce such a strong aggregation effect... Well, there is another possibility, the source The law of aggregation between qualities... "0-02" attracted "Origin Castle", which led me to come to Beldan just today?

If this is the case, even if "0-02" itself is not the source quality, it must have a certain connection with the source quality... Klein, who had been suspicious for a long time, thought of a lot, and had a preliminary and vague understanding of "0-02". grasp.

He thought for a while and said: "From the development of things, the rules are gradually becoming stricter and more diverse. The yellow paper is the evidence. Does this mean that the degree of activation or awakening of '0-02' is gradually deepening? "

Arianna nodded calmly and said: "Yes, we must find it before certain situations come, and find a way to seal it.

"So, it's best to act separately, expand the search area, and save as much time as possible."

Klein had no objection to this, so he thought for a while and said, "Ma'am, you told me so much, isn't it considered a leak?"

"No." Arianna gave a fairly clear answer, "Leaking secrets means that Beldan's mutation cannot be passed on to the outside world by any means."

This cuts off our actual contact with the outside world... It's okay, at least we don't have to worry about problems in our usual conversations. In short, it's fine not to swear... Klein breathed a sigh of relief and asked instead: "Here The 'Nighthawks' and 'Punishers' will follow the rules in the announcement?"

"Yes." Arianna replied in the affirmative, and then the figure faded away and disappeared in place.

After watching the dean of the Dark Night Monastery leave, Klein quickly sorted out the information he had just obtained in his heart, and had some understanding of the possible developments that followed:

Fighting will not be the point. The key to the problem is whether "0-02" can be found in time and find a way to seal it.

And in this process, the outsiders like them will be greeted by more and more complicated rules and driven citizens who are more and more difficult to follow.

Thinking of this, Klein turned his gaze to Roy and the others not far away, and asked with a smile, "What do you think of what you just heard?"

Roy and Pasha glanced at each other and said, "We don't know what a level '0' sealed item is, but we can guess that '0-02' is a very scary item that can make rules, rewrites reality to an extent, and such anomalies appear to change further over time.

"Also, the Patriarch of the God of War Church should be a very powerful Extraordinary."

Klein patted his palms and said with a smile, "That's about it. If we don't make any effort and want to stay away from danger by hiding and avoiding, then we will have more and more behaviors to pay attention to. If we are not careful, we will Crime, huh, maybe in the end, we'll be executed on the spot for stepping out with our left foot first."

These words made Pasha, Byers and the others flustered for a while, unable to hold themselves back.

That possible development is really funny at first, but when you think about it carefully, you can feel the extreme horror hidden in it!

After a few seconds, Pasha said solemnly: "Besides, citizens can use all means to deal with us, but we can't fight back effectively, because homicide and intentional injury are very serious crimes..."

"You can try to deceive their senses, but this can't be used too many times." Klein said casually, "What we need to do now is to summarize the laws that '0-02' follows as soon as possible, so as to help us activate it. Or before awakening to true wisdom, find it and seal it, what do you think?"

"The Thief" Phil thought for a while, and tentatively said: "It seems that it can't directly attack us. It can only be punished when we violate the rules and commit crimes."

Klein snapped his fingers and said, "That's right, I can summarize this rule first: '0-02' cannot punish non-offenders."

Biles blurted out: "But it allows citizens to hunt down strangers, and strangers are not equal to criminals."