Chapter: 3002

The clothes on Klein's back suddenly tore apart, revealing streaks of blood red.

This is the penalty for breaking into an unopened public area.


Fortunately, this charge is very light... And at least for a minute or two, you won't be punished for this charge. The rules allow time for intruders to exit... Klein immediately reached out and grabbed a few times into the void .

He didn't really drag out the figure of Arianna, the leader of the ascetic monks, because for the "people" who don't agree, the historical projection is a kind of fraud. He just used this method to pass his location information to the "secret" servant".

For the same reason, Klein removed the human leather glove on his left palm.

During this process, the brass book started flipping, revealing page after page of rules: "...When the sanity drops to 20% of the original, there will be signs of loss of control...

"...'Ancient Scholar' has the ability to summon historical pore images, and the success rate of summoning depends on the familiarity and friendliness of the target...


"...'Trensost Brass Book' is the most precious thing, and no living being is allowed to touch it, and offenders will be sentenced to death!

"...The status of the 'Trensost Brass Book' cannot be changed in any way, and offenders will be sentenced to death!


Seeing these rules made Klein's eyelids twitch, and he felt that his sanity was constantly declining.

This caused the "original" spiritual imprint in his body to become more active.

"The rules in the front part are gray-black, and seem to be in an unchangeable state... This requires '0-02' to wake up further? If it wakes up to the extent that it can change the rules in the front part, it will be terrible, maybe It can reduce the success rate of my summoning, so that as long as the Extraordinary's sanity is slightly lowered, there will be signs of loss of control... Well, we have fixed the problem that this version of 'Seer' is too strong? It is indeed '0-02', No insult to the serial number...

"The text on the back is mercury-colored...this indicates that this part of the rules can be modified or added?

"It cannot be touched, and its state cannot be changed. That is to say, it cannot be taken away, nor can it be 'hidden' directly...Maybe it is possible to use the 'Star Rod' or 'Old Days Box' to make this library directly Transfer to the starry sky, let '0-02' face those Outer Gods... But if the Outer Gods master this sealed item, then the problem may be bigger than it is now..." Klein hesitated, without taking a risk At the risk of punishment, he summoned his own "0" level sealed item.

In the next second, there was a "pop" sound in his ear.

Arianna, wearing a simple linen robe and wearing a bark belt, was quickly outlined beside him, with obvious bloodstains drawn out by the invisible whip.

"The first problem has been solved, and now we need to consider the second problem, which is how to seal this guy." Klein seized the time and said.

It won't be long before he will suffer the second penalty of breaking his hand.

Arianna shook her head: "The corresponding information has been destroyed, we can only solve it through trial and error."

This is a bit dangerous... We don't know, but someone must be very clear... Klein's heart moved, and the spirit body suddenly left his body and entered the spirit world.

Through the invisible barrier created by "0-02", he said to Larion, the patriarch of the Church of God of War who was waiting for the "curtain" to disappear: "Maybe we can make a deal."

"You want a way to seal '0-02'?" Larion turned around and laughed, "Do you think I will agree?"

"Actually, I'm very puzzled. Why do you have to sacrifice yourself for the fallen 'God of War'? If you join the Church of Evernight, you can still be an angel, receive blessings, and live for a long time." Klein didn't respond directly, but said instead .

Larion's expression sank and he said, "A mythical creature like you who doesn't have pious beliefs can't understand me."

... As an "evil god", isn't it normal for me to have no devout beliefs? Klein couldn't help muttering something in his heart.

Such is his humanity.

Seeing that Klein was speechless for a moment, Larion, the Patriarch of the Church of God of War, looked even more solemn: "Besides, the fall of the gods is only temporary. He will eventually return and recover from my body."