Chapter: 3040

Tick, tick, drops of milky white brains flowed down the axe, and slid down from Edwards' twisted and torn face, like pouring some milk into bright red strawberries.

"Don't, don't come near me..." After giving himself an ax in the head, Edwards said to Bernadette's "invisible servant" in a low and hoarse voice.

Before he finished speaking, his expression returned to dull, his eyes gradually became dull, and he turned around and walked towards the forest where he came, step by step.

The tall and thin body was slightly bent, as if it had hunched over at once.

Bernadette was tentatively asking questions just now because she had too many doubts and worries about entering the mausoleum, so she had to indirectly point out the problems of Edwards himself, to see if she could find more clues from his answers, who knows? The knight who was famous in the Northern Continent during Roselle's time actually reacted so fiercely and strangely.

After being silent for two seconds, Bernadette asked the "invisible servant" to look at Edwards' back and said, "Your descendants are all living well and have achieved certain achievements."

Edwards, with his back to the mausoleum, paused for a moment, then continued on, passing through an invisible boundary and sinking into the forest.

His target direction seems to be the stone pillar cemetery where the dead can be "reborn".

At the same time, Bernadette looked up at the sky.

The faint black that permeated there obviously disappeared a lot, but there was a certain indescribable feeling, and the whole primitive island had subtle, indescribable changes as a result.

Suddenly, Bernadette, who was hiding on the edge of the invisible boundary, touched her back with her backhand.

She felt heavy there, as if something was added.

After the left palm touched the target, Bernadette found that what was left was a section of hair.

At this time, she was wearing an Intis-style blouse with a large lace flower at the neckline, an indigo patterned captain's jacket, off-white trousers and knee-high boots, and a triangle with feathers on her head. hat, dressed like the leader of a pirate ship.

In this image, her long chestnut hair was originally tied into a half ball and just draped to the vest, but now, although her hairstyle has not changed, her hair has instantly increased by a long length and has fallen to her waist.

Immediately afterwards, Bernadette lowered her head, looked at her right palm, and saw the nails of five fingers growing out at the same time.

The "Queen of Mysteries" was not surprised or flustered, and followed the instinct of the "Master of Prophecy" and accumulated experience for a long time, took a few steps forward, passed through the invisible boundary, completely left the virgin forest, and entered the "Dark Emperor" "The open area where the mausoleum is located.

During this process, Bernadette also allowed the "invisible servant" to return to the spirit world.

That is, three or four seconds later, she felt that the ground began to shake slightly, and the mausoleum also visibly trembled.

Subconsciously, Bernadette looked back at the primeval forest.

Seeing this, her eyes froze for a short while.

The huge dark green and almost black trees waved their branches, pulled out their roots one after another, and then, like humans, approached Bernadette.

The whole primeval forest is "alive"!

Seeing the densely packed trees that almost covered the sky rushing in like a tide, Bernadette actually had a feeling that the end of the world was coming, and all places would be covered by forests.

The huge red dragon with flames flowing from its skin quickly flew high into the sky, and the eight-legged magic wolf began to run wildly between the trees... All the extraordinary and mutant creatures on this island became restless and came towards the mausoleum.

Although she is a "Master of Prophecy", Bernadette still did not expect that a simple question that she did not directly point out would bring about such a change, as if it was a key that opened the door to the abyss door.

Klein, who was above the gray fog, saw more, and based on his knowledge of mysticism, he made a certain guess: "Edwards' situation is somewhat different from William and Green's, just like this primitive island. A hole in that order, or rather, a shadow...

"When he realized that he was already dead, the shadow of this loophole was discovered by the order and began to be 'repaired'.

"And the 'repair' brought about the enhancement of that order, causing the entire island to undergo a mutation.

"I can feel that there is a certain degree of 'Dark Emperor' power in it. It has influenced Edwards, allowing him to maintain a part of his own will after his 'rebirth', but where did the original order of the original island come from?