Chapter: 3059

"This is of great benefit to our missionary work in Loen. However, you have to remember that here, we must be restrained enough not to proselytize. It is enough to be at the same level as the remaining Church of Steam. Of course, the number of our believers It will be impossible to catch up with the current church of steam for a long time, it will take one generation, two generations, or even three generations of efforts."

Yes, maintaining the current scale and developing to a certain extent is enough... How troublesome is it to spread preaching... Emlyn heaved a sigh of relief, and calmly responded: "Okay."


Sunya Sea, "City of Generosity" Bayam.

Alger was wearing a bishop's robe embroidered with lightning and sea wave symbols, and a metal storm emblem. He stood on the peak of the seaside mountain range, looking at the other side of the forest on the island.

There were much fewer trees there, and the surrounding hills and hills were flattened one by one, revealing a hidden port.

It was a private port that used to belong to the rebels. It certainly couldn't compare to Bayam's port in size, but it was also a medium-sized port, enough to sustain the lives of many people.

At this time, a city with a bold and rough style has been preliminarily established near the port. The city is not big, maybe only one-fifth of Bayam, or even less.

There are two tall towers standing side by side in the center of it, a dome and a spire, both of which are of a strange silver color, reflecting a slightly harsh light under the sun.

Surrounding the twin towers, many concrete roads are paved. They either lead to buildings made of stone as the main material, or connect to wide squares and training grounds. Green trees have been planted beside the roads. , giving a feeling of prosperity.

Alger knew that not only the residents of Silver City were living in this city, but also people from Moon City.

Those people had a lot of deformities, and they were not willing to contact Bayam and the residents of other cities on the island for the time being. They only purchased the necessary living supplies through the people of Silver City.

It is said that they plan to build a city of their own deep in the forest, and leave only one road leading to the new Silver City.

"These are all Mister Fool's believers, and we have to slowly guide them to integrate into the Rorsted Islands as a whole... For now, let's not disturb those deformed people, and let the residents of the City of Silver bring some people from the Moon City who look normal to come to Baia M..." Alger was seriously thinking about what to do next.

After the initial resettlement of the residents of Silver City and Moon City, he has actually completed the task given by Mister Fool, but he thinks that he is still far away from getting the identity, authority and personality of "Sea God", so he does his best to Various problems left over from the "Great Migration" have been dealt with.

Frankly speaking, what Alger is most worried about now is that Mister Fool won't give himself something to do. In that case, he doesn't know when he will be able to accumulate enough merit.

And with the establishment of the new Silver City, showing vigorous vitality, he has a keen sense of crisis:

There are more than one Sequence 4 demigods in Silver City and Moon City, and they are all faithful believers of Mister Fool. Maybe at some point, Mister Fool will endow them with the identity, personality, authority and power of "Sea God" one of them!

"Silver City has two '0' level sealed items, one Sequence 3 saint, three Sequence 4 saints, nearly ten '1' level sealed items, and a small amount that can be temporarily used as '1' level sealed items Extraordinary characteristics of demigods... There are three demigods in Moon City, five '1' level sealed items and a large number of potion formulas...this..." Alger just made a brief inventory and found that these two belonged to Mister Fool The power of the powerful is a bit scary.

They add up to almost a quarter of the Church of the Storm!

As far as Cardinal Alger knows, the number of "0" level sealed items in the major Orthodox churches is between five and eight, and there are no more than four angels still active on the ground. In this respect, it is indeed faster than Moon City. Silver City is much stronger.

But in terms of "1" level sealed items, in terms of the number of saints, the Orthodox Church's advantage is not so great, especially the latter.

��With the outbreak of a full-scale war and the upper echelon increasing the cultivation of saints, the number of saints in Church of Storms is only in the early twenties.

"The church of 'Sea God' doesn't have any demigods yet, but it won't be long before a new 'Sea God' will appear...Mr. ', there are angels belonging to the path of destiny... there are saints like us in the Tarot gathering..." Alger became more and more startled when he thought about it, and found that he was a little slow in this regard.

Perhaps because of the relationship in it, although he has always been amazed by similar things, he has not clearly realized until today:

Unknowingly, Mister Fool's power has grown to a level comparable to the Orthodox Church. Even if there is a certain gap, it is only due to the accumulation of long history.

And it's not been three years since Alger joined the Tarot Club!

"If I hadn't experienced these changes myself, I definitely wouldn't believe it." Alger sighed in his heart, and became more and more eager to do something for Mister Fool so that he could accumulate enough contributions to become the "Sea God" as soon as possible .

At that time, he can really set his sights on the "Book of Scourge" and try to fulfill the entrustment of the elf queen Goshinam.

Looking away, Alger looked at Bayam at the foot of the mountain again, and saw that this city, which was not too seriously damaged in the previous war, had regained its brilliance, and could be called the most prosperous city on the Sonia Sea up.