Chapter: 307

On the other side, Dunn Smith, who wanted to climb to the second floor and avoid the front of the altar, was also froze by the spreading cold wind, and stopped outside the broken window.

Woo! The dark curtain behind the window suddenly lifted and enveloped Dunn, like a monster opening its mouth and devouring its prey.

Dunn's head was immediately wrapped in a life-like curtain, which became tighter and tighter, outlining the mouth and nose.

In the state of being about to suffocate, Dunn stepped on his feet, straightened his knees, turned his back, and tore off the curtain with brute force.

He grabbed the corner of the curtain covering his head with his left hand, pulled it off, and threw it to the ground.


He raised his hand and shot, shooting at the half curtain that was still trying to cover the window.

The curtain stopped in an instant, and a dark red color quickly emerged.


On the lawn, Leonard Mitchell, who was opening his mouth to sing poetry, was also blown by the cold wind that contained a strong meaning of death, his teeth collided, he clattered, and it was difficult to make a sound for a short time.

At this moment, dilapidated and messy vines suddenly spread, wrapping around his ankles, and a black shadow also smashed towards him in the gust of wind.

Leonard, whose body was slightly stiff, had no time to shoot, so he pulled his shoulders and raised his arms.

puff! The black shadow hit his forearm, causing its own spikes to pierce into the skin.

It was just a delicate, bright red flower that came from nowhere.

Leonard shook it in pain, and threw the flower stained with his own blood aside.

pong! He fired a shot at the entwined vines, shooting out dark red juice.

Thumb up! Leonard took a step forward, rushed to the altar on the first floor, and rushed to the broken window.

And where he was originally standing, the vines suddenly shrank away, as if he was avoiding something invisible.

With the help of the chaos caused by destroying the altar and interrupting the ceremony, Triss completed her invisibility again, successfully concealed the truth from her spirit vision, escaped from the siege, and came to the rear of the three Nighthawks.

She stretched out her right hand, and suddenly a cold wind blew, holding the flower stained with Leonard's blood and throwing it into her palm.

Triss didn't stay any longer, holding the flowers, quickly climbed over the iron fence, and fled towards the Tussock River.

At this time, Leonard, who was about to enter the first floor, suddenly turned his head, as if he was listening to something.

His expression changed, he hurriedly pulled up his sleeves, and looked at the wound that was pierced by flowers just now.

With his physique, the bleeding has stopped there, only a little redness and swelling.

Leonard's expression darkened, he pinched the index finger of his left hand violently, and forcibly pulled that piece of nail off!

His face was immediately filled with painful and distorted expressions, but his movements did not stop because of this. While meditating something, he cut open the solidified wound with his nails, stained it with dark red blood, and then pulled out a few hairs , entangled that piece of nail.

By the Tussock River, Triss slowed down and turned her gaze to the flowers in her hands.

She muttered something in her mouth, and suddenly a black, illusory flame burst out of her palm.

The flame enveloped the flower, and it really burned, burning each other to ashes.

After doing all this, Triss stepped into the river and sank into the water.