Chapter: 3087

"Fight." Derrick "The Sun" replied without any hesitation.

"The Hanged Man" Argel nodded slightly when he heard the words: "Although the world war is over, the colonial order in the southern continent has not been effectively restored. It is still very chaotic, and small-scale wars break out from time to time. You can try Form two to three mercenary teams and accept employment from any force."

Military contractor... Klein gave a more modern name in his heart.

"This is a good idea." Derrick's eyes lit up when he heard that.

"The Hanged Man" Argel then asked again: "Fighting is the instinct of survival. Apart from this, do you have anything else you want to do?"

Derrick "The Sun" replied with a little embarrassment: "Many people want to be chefs, brewers, and work in candy factories..."

After hearing the wishes of the residents of the City of Silver, an idea instantly popped up in Klein's mind: "It's all about food..."

"The Hanged Man" Alger thought for a while, and said to Derrick "The Sun": "You can definitely let people with such thoughts come to Bayam to join the trade union, and find suitable teachers through them, or you can invite them directly. People with specialties in this field will be given generous rewards when they come to New Silver City to teach.

"Of course, the premise is that you must let the residents master the common language of the Rorsted Islands as soon as possible. On this basis, Loen, Ancient Fusac, and Dutan can also be put on the agenda."

After "The Hanged Man" finished speaking, "The Hermit" Cattleya also gave her own suggestion: "In addition to organizing a mercenary team, you can also try to apply for public positions in the major cities of the Rorsted Islands to be responsible for handling extraordinary events."

Although the Rorsted Archipelago government and the Church of "Sea God" obtained a batch of Beyonder characteristics and corresponding potion formulas from Silver City and Moon City, they were unable to cultivate enough Beyonders in a short period of time��Sequence 9 is relatively good. People who are mentally, mentally, and physically healthy take potions, and the probability of encountering loss of control and madness is actually very small. If you go further up, the performance may not be successful, and it will take time to perform.

In this case, as long as the residents of the City of Silver can become a member of the official force, they shouldn't have to worry about losing their jobs afterwards.

Of course, the Rorsted Islands government will definitely control the number of job entrants, and the City of Silver cannot completely solve everyone's employment problem through this method.

Klein quite agrees with Ms. "Hermit"'s suggestion, and thinks that it is necessary to give an oracle to Danitz to let the Rorsted Islands government and the "Sea God Church" increase the number of official Extraordinary within a certain range.

This is not to help the residents of Silver City and some non-deformed people in Moon City find jobs, but to cope with the approaching end, the deepening erosion of the Outer Gods, and the increasing frequency of extraordinary events.

At this time, Cattleya the "Hermit" glanced at Miss "Justice", and continued to say to Derrick "The Sun": "You should have a large amount of liquidity now, you can try to invest in the mines of the Rorsted Islands , spice manors, plantations, buying fertile land and rich forest farms, they are all cheap now, well, although the Church of Storms can still affect the islands, although the new government promises to protect the local industries of foreigners, there are still a lot of The Loen people, Feysac people, and Intis people lack confidence and want to sell their property and return home as soon as possible."

That envoy named Danis recently bought a spice manor... Derrick recalled what he had heard before, and suddenly he was stunned.

Cattleya the Hermit's suggestion inspired others, and Audrey the Justice immediately added: "When you go to negotiate, you'd better hire a few professional lawyers, otherwise it's easy to be deceived, eh , if you think it is necessary, you can also bring the 'psychoanalyst' in the city.

"Also, you are backed by a medium-sized port and can develop a corresponding economy...

"In view of the fact that the Rorsted Islands government and the official Extraordinary of the 'Sea God' church lack sufficient common sense, you can set up a fee-based course for outsiders at the general education school in New Silver City, um, the part that is likely to conflict with the Orthodox Church knowledge deleted...

"The railway connecting New Silver City and other cities must be built as soon as possible..."

"The Sun" Derrick was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly raised his hand and said: "Sorry, I need to write down what I just said first."

Forgot that he has no background in economics... Audrey the Justice reflected a little, closed her mouth, and smiled to signal the little Sun to seek help from Mister Fool.

After Derrick took out a pen and paper, and wrote down the previous suggestions, Audrey "Justice", Emlyn "Moon", Leonard "Star" and other members of the Tarot Society spoke to each other with each other. Give your own ideas and refute those proposals that are not mature enough for each other and not practical.

Such a lively scene lasted for nearly two quarters of an hour before it ended. Derrick "The Sun" looked at the stack of papers that were not too thick but not too thin in front of him, and smiled uncontrollably.

He seemed to have seen the bright future of Silver City.

"The Fool" Klein, who was sitting at the top of the mottled long table, sighed inexplicably, and his heart was a lot heavier:

If you don't think about the doomsday after more than ten years, the City of Silver, which was full of bright prospects in the discussion just now, is indeed gratifying.

However, the arrival of the doomsday will not be shifted by human will, neither can saints and angels.

Looking back at the paper in front of him, Derrick thought for a while and said: "We have built temples and churches belonging to Mr. Fool, and we want to preach to cities in the archipelago. What should we pay attention to?"