Chapter: 310

"He used the shortened life of the dying man as a sacrifice, trying to curse all the survivors of the 'Clover tragedy'? Because he didn't know who discovered the problem and reported it to the police..."

And if Tris retaliates directly, it is unlikely that he can kill all the targets scattered in different places at once. At most, after two or three cases, he will be noticed by the Nighthawks, Punisher, and Mechanical Heart. The chance to continue committing crimes... Klein almost imagined why the other party chose to do so.

Dunn nodded first, then shook his head and said, "Not all survivors, but all survivors in Tingen City. His curse ceremony can only affect people within this range."

"Also, the host of the ceremony is a woman, not Tris."

Klein frowned slightly and said, "Maybe it's a strong man sent by the Gnosis Society to help Triss?"

"Well, the source of the Gnosis Society may involve the Witch Sect. It's normal for the strong to be women."

Dunn smiled and said in a mellow voice: "I agree with your judgment. Although there is only that woman here and no Tris, you can make necessary guesses. For example, they don't live together. For example, Tris is going out. Seek out the dying."

Klein didn't say any more. He placed three candles, took out materials such as full moon essential oil and deep red sandalwood, and quickly set up the altar.

Using a silver dagger to create a sealed wall, he began to pray to the "Goddess of the Evernight, Lord of Sleep and Silence", completely pacifying the "ghosts" inside and outside the house.

Unfortunately, in the follow-up psychic session, Klein only saw a small number of images of the remaining spirituality before he was alive, and did not get any useful clues.

After letting these "ghosts" sleep peacefully in the night, he ended the ceremony, lifted the spiritual wall, shook his head to Dunn, Leonard, and Frye and said: "This place was severely damaged by the backlash of the interruption of the ceremony, and lost the remaining master. images."

Not surprisingly, Dunn pointed to the stairs and said, "Then let's go to the second floor and look for it again, give it a try."

"Yes." Klein, Leonard and the others immediately agreed.

The three night watchmen followed the stairs all the way to the second floor, and searched each room separately.

In the end, they met in a bedroom with a faint fragrance floating, and saw the messy pile of dresses, and saw open and unclosed boxes one after another.

"Is this cosmetic?" Dunn picked up a box from the dressing table and sniffed it, then asked casually

"To be precise, they are called skin care products. Since Emperor Roselle, they are no longer called mixedly." Leonard corrected with a smile, "Captain, as a gentleman, you still need to understand the necessary common sense. "

Klein didn't join their discussion, and turned his gaze to the mirror on the dressing table.

The mirror was visibly cracked, with pieces falling onto the carpet.

"That Extraordinary was in a bit of a hurry, and the damage wasn't thorough enough..." He suddenly said in a deep voice, "Maybe we can give it a try."

"I leave it to you." Dunn replied trustingly.

Klein quickly brought the candle up from the first floor, and lit it in front of the broken mirror.

In the dim candlelight flickering, he took out the full moon essential oil and other items to create a spiritual wall.

After finishing all this, Klein stood in front of the mirror reflecting the light of the three candles, and recited in Hermetic language: "I pray for the power of the night;"

"I pray to the hidden power;"

"I pray for the favor of the goddess;"

"Pray that this mirror will be temporarily restored, that it will reflect all the people it has reflected in the past month."


As the mantra was read out, a strong whirlwind suddenly blew up in the wall of spirituality.

The fragments of the mirror were rolled up and placed one by one in their original positions.