Chapter: 3110

On the next journey, even a gust of wind would make Wendell tremble, afraid of encountering unknown dangers.

In this way, time passed little by little in Wendell's torment. Finally, he returned to the outside of the steam train station, and saw that the gate was closed and he could not enter.

This didn't bother Wendell. He first handed the umbrella to the left hand carrying the luggage, then went around to the side, found a wall, pressed his palm, rose into the air, and turned over easily.

After his feet landed firmly, Wendell heaved a sigh of relief, and walked to the platform in front of him at a leisurely pace.

At this moment, there was an inaudible footstep behind him.

"What are you doing here?" A deep and hoarse voice sounded immediately.

Wendell's toes were clasped tightly, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

He didn't hesitate, and while he was always ready to make a move, he turned his body a little bit stiffly to the rear.

The first thing that caught his eyes was a classical style glass lantern, and then the platform worker from before.

Wendell sighed, and said with a bit of complaint: "This kind of night, this kind of environment, is not suitable to appear in this way.

"As a gentleman, try not to frighten others."

"I'm not a gentleman." The platform worker responded unfriendly.

Wendell casually pointed to a corner of the platform: "I'm going to the bathroom."

He had already observed the environment and layout of the platform.

"Then why are you here?" the staff member asked.

"I got lost." Wendell replied succinctly.

Then, he stopped talking to the other party and walked towards the platform bathroom step by step.

Behind him, the staff member watched silently without speaking.

This put a lot of psychological pressure on Wendell, but he kept his pace very well.

In the bathroom, under the light of the gas wall lamp, it took Wendell nearly a minute to relieve the tension in his body, and successfully peed out.

Back on the steam train, looking at the passengers lying down and sleeping in different positions in the carriage, Wendell finally regained a little sense of security.

For the next few hours, he stayed awake, focused on preparing for the unexpected.

Just when Wendell became dull to the passage of time, the sky lit up a little bit, dispelling the darkness.

In the next two hours, the passengers who went to Utopia returned one after another. Some bought a bottle of famous local red wine, and some looked haggard, as if they were hungover or had been beaten up.

Wendell was full of vigilance against them, but he couldn't find any abnormalities from the details.


Finally, the whistle sounded, and the steam train turned heavily and slowly from stillness.

Amid the bang bang bang, the train left Utopia Station.

After that, they experienced another dark sky, but fortunately, there was no storm, and the sun soon pierced the clouds and illuminated the earth.

For Wendell, all this is so normal, from the time he arrived in Utopia last night to now�if the confidential report hadn�t been hidden in his arms, he definitely didn�t think there would be any problems in Utopia.