Chapter: 3126

Such speculation made cold sweat break out quickly on his forehead.

As the storm raged, Verdu saw a pile of rubble flying up obliquely in front of him, revealing a boulder buried beneath them.

The surface of the boulder is criss-crossed with deep cracks one after another, giving people a feeling that it will crack as long as it is touched.

At this time, the wind subsided a lot, and the heavy rain was still brewing.

Verdu thought that he had already come to Bansi Port, so he couldn't be scared away like this, so he mustered up his courage and approached the huge rock covered with scorched black cracks.

He immediately took out a magnifying glass with a handle engraved with a strange pattern, and carefully inspected the condition of the boulder.

Seven or eight minutes later, Verdu put away the magnifying glass that was a magical item, and sighed with regret and frustration.

He has preliminarily confirmed that there is nothing wrong with this boulder, and it does not involve mysticism.

Just as Verdu was about to look away and was about to leave, he suddenly saw a little bright red at the place where the bottom of the boulder meets the soil.

The bright red gradually expanded, like gurgling and spreading blood.

However, it did not infect too much and was confined to a small area.

The two traces of blood-red figures in the ruins of the telegraph office flashed across Verdu's mind instantly, and his scalp tingled uncontrollably.

His lips were drying quickly, and he instinctively thought that this was not a good thing.

Swallowing his saliva again, Verdu raised his right hand and created a gust of wind again, causing a lot of miniature gravel to roll over, completely filling the bottom of the boulder, covering up the bright red that was oozing out.

He didn't stay here any longer, but insisted on turning on "Teleportation" again, and headed to the last scheduled target location.

This time, he broke another rib, and the pain was so great that he was about to faint.

Coupled with the suffocation caused by space compression, Verdu felt like he was on the verge of death.

It took him dozens of seconds to slow down, and he turned his gaze to the front.

It was also in ruins here, with collapsed houses covering the overgrown ground.

According to a pirate who once explored the ruins of Bansi, here's an item worth researching:

It is a very ordinary wooden door, but it is the only thing that is still intact in Banxi.

The pirate failed to see anything special about the wooden door, and sent his men down to lift it, trying to carry it back to the ship.

However, they only took two steps before they suddenly fell down, their heads dragged their spines, left their bodies, and rolled to the side.

This frightened the pirate, who did not dare to stay any longer, and led the rest of the crew to flee in a hurry.

Verdu didn't fully believe the story told by the other party. Although he didn't have many activities at sea, he also knew that sailors love to brag, and they always exaggerated things with only two or three points to eleven or twelve points.

However, even if it is bragging, Verdu thinks that wooden door is worth studying.

After some searching, he found the target:

Leaning against a crumbling wall, the plain-looking wooden door had brass-colored keyholes and handles.

There are no corpses or bloodstains around it, which is consistent with most of the ruins.

Sure enough, bragging, heh, the pirate may have heard about this wooden door from other places, and he and his men didn�t dare to try to carry it at all... Verdu looked around and suddenly said: "Who?