Chapter: 3138

Mister "Furious"... Although the other party didn't wear that personality mask, that unforgettable feature helped Audrey recognize who it was at a glance.

This was a bit out of her expectation, but it didn't make her feel too surprised.

In her opinion, Mister "Rage" alone should not be enough to deal with the ancient psychic dragon Eric Hogg, even if Mister "Fool" reminded her to beware of him.

After all, the leader behind the Psychological Alchemist Society, the former King of Angels, has become the true god of Sequence 0. According to the knowledge shared in the Tarot Society, there should not be and there will be no other "writer" in the real world. In this way, no matter how powerful Mr. "Rage" is, as long as it is still in the "spectator" pathway, it will be at the same level as Eric Hogg at most, and it will only have certain differences in combat experience, psychological research, and self-cultivation. high and low.

At this moment, following the entry of the giant white rabbit, Erik Hogg with huge and gray scales opened his skin-covered wings with a clatter, instantly covering the surrounding area with a layer of shadow.

With a push of both feet, the white rabbit suddenly became extremely huge, like a small hill.

At the same time, directly above him, the dark sky suddenly brightened, and under his feet, the ground cracked one after another, and red magma spewed out.

Immediately afterwards, a vague and distorted figure stood out from behind it.

This figure was wearing a simple white robe, his face was hard to see, his age couldn't be distinguished, and he could only vaguely tell that he was a man.

Behind his head, there is a brilliant halo hanging, like a miniature sun; under his feet, there is an illusory clock divided into twelve divisions, each division has a symbol symbolizing a different time; Behind him, hangs a shadow like a curtain, within the shadow, there seems to be an eye silently peering outside.

The silhouette of this figure just appeared, causing the entire dream maze to shake violently, with gray fragments constantly falling from the void.

The two diametrically opposed feelings of filth and depravity and pure sunshine quickly spread around the giant white rabbit, eroding or assimilating this area.

However, the figure in a simple white robe is always difficult to take shape, unable to walk into reality from history and illusion.

Whenever his outline is about to be clear, his figure will be distorted, like a machine whose signal has been interfered with.

At this moment, Audrey instinctively withdrew her gaze, not daring to look directly at the giant white rabbit.

Perhaps it was because she was in a dream and was closely connected with the island of the mind and the sea of ??collective subconsciousness. She intuitively knew what Mr. Rage was doing without any explanation from others.

The other party had an insight into the potential spiritual problems of this ancient dragon, Eric Hogg, and knew what he was most afraid of, and then weaved a nightmare containing specific images based on this.

��In the high-sequence battles of the "spectator" pathway, if the two sides are at the same level, it is difficult for all means to produce real effects: one can sneak into the island of consciousness and perform deep-level hypnosis, and the other can guard the door of the mental body , not allowing any external consciousness to enter, one can spread spiritual plague, use the collective subconscious sea to erode the enemy unknowingly, and the other can appease oneself, treat psychological diseases, and maintain mental health...

Therefore, the battles of the same sequence of "audience" saints often present three fixed styles: first, set traps in advance and make preparations in all aspects, and then, covertly induce, step by step, defeat the opponent's spiritual defense line in one fell swoop, Complete hypnosis; second, focus on defense and assistance, relying on powerful sealed items to defeat the enemy; third, it is difficult to do nothing to each other in extraordinary abilities such as "spiritual plague", "mental deprivation", "dragon breath", and "consciousness manipulation" At the same time, self-hypnosis, "Dragon Transformation", and fierce hand-to-hand combat with one claw and one tail.

In the third type of battle, whoever has more in-depth research on the spiritual field and whose will is stronger and firmer will be able to rely on a longer "Dragon Transformation" time to gain an advantage and accumulate victories. Of course, the premise is that the opponent Did not find a chance to escape.

At the level of angels, everyone is a real mythical creature, and the length of time for "dragon transformation" is meaningless. At this time, it mainly depends on "insight". Create corresponding nightmares, directly attack the enemy's mental weakness, destroy the spiritual defense step by step, and achieve the effect of "scaring crazy" or "scaring to death".

Since Audrey is in the same "dream", even if this nightmare is not aimed at her, she will be affected, affected, and even polluted by corresponding emotions, traits, and personalities.

Just like now, she clearly knows that the nightmare woven by Mr. "Rage" represents the ancient sun god, which is the most feared existence in Eric Hogg's heart, and at the same time, the influence of the ancient sun god will pollute the surroundings uncontrollably, Until the whole dream.

When the time comes, when Audrey wakes up, she will either become a mentally ill patient with no healing instinct, or become an incomplete mythical creature, completely losing her mind and madly attacking the surrounding creatures.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, she degenerates without knowing it, and unknowingly becomes cold, cruel, and bloodthirsty, as if she was replaced by another person.

At this time, Eric Hogg, who was squatting on the top of the gray-white pillar, let out a painful roar.

As the roar of the giant dragon echoed, the top of His head became dark, and a "ocean" containing all colors and all secrets that was difficult to describe in words emerged.

In the ocean, an even larger gray-white dragon soared up, hundreds of kilometers long. One of his vertical eyes was pale gold and the other was bright red.

There is a third eye on the forehead of this giant dragon, which seems to hide a thick shadow.

Similarly, no need for others to explain, Audrey knew immediately what the nightmare that Eric Hogg wove represented by virtue of the peculiarity of the current state.