Chapter: 3161

They stared at the "Gate of Flesh" and Bethel Abraham, wanting to reflect their appearance into their pupils.

Mister "Gate" let out a low growl, raising the blood-colored robe he was wearing.

This robe is connected to the evil tide surging behind the "Gate of Flesh and Flesh", spreading a crimson moonlight around it.

As soon as it touched the moonlight, the impenetrable night gathered itself, stretched out its limbs and head, and turned into a shadowy female human being.

It has its own life, its own consciousness, and is no longer driven by the user.

Without exception, the glaring sunlight turned into a young man wearing flame armor; the shaking earth grew eyes and closed its mouth; creepy facial features were highlighted on the barrier formed by the dim light; brass-colored eyes Around, eyelashes drilled out one by one and turned into wings.

These blocks and interruptions simultaneously plunged into chaos, allowing Mr. "Gate" a chance to breathe.

Seizing this opportunity, he entered the final step of becoming a god.

At this moment, the "gate of flesh and blood" suddenly collapsed by itself, covering Mr. "gate"'s body surface, making him seem to be another person.


Klein's body seems to be divided into countless individuals, they have their own preferences, their own character, their own persistence, their own destiny, and live in a town called Utopia.

These people quickly spent a short life, and in the lightning that fell like a torrential rain, they woke up and realized what their most essential identity was.

Is it Zhou Mingrui, or Klein Moretti, or Sherlock Moriarty, Gehrman Sparrow, Dwayne Dant�s, or Merlin Hermes.

A thing can have many names, but its essence will not change.

Each of these "people" raised their heads, looking at the infinite heights in the illusory city in the spirit world.

They saw the illusory and fine thread of the spirit body, and saw a symbol composed of part "eye without pupil" and part "twisted thread".

With this symbol as the core, Klein's figure was outlined, his eyes tightly closed.

One after another, "Insects of Spirit", each with a little bit of Extraordinary characteristics, one by one self-recognition, flew up from the spirit world area corresponding to Utopia, and threw them into Klein's slightly illusory body, allowing it to gradually acquire substance.

At this point, there is no clear boundary between Klein's spirit body and flesh and blood body. It is both one and scattered, in a rather delicate state.

In other words, the spirit body can be equal to the flesh and blood body, and the flesh and blood body can also be integrated into the spirit body. As long as Klein is willing, he can transform between these two states at any time. Of course, he can also separate the flesh and blood body from the spirit body. Each is unique, it's just a matter of thought.

In two seconds, the reorganization was completed. Klein, who was floating in the depths of the spiritual world, opened his eyes. His pupils were only dark, without any light.

He has been promoted to Sequence 1 and has become "Servant of Mysteries".

Silently, a gray mist emerged behind him. Above the mist was an ancient palace. Inside the palace stood a door that was slightly stained with green and black and composed of countless light spheres.

The light gate appeared quite clearly in the spirit world, separated a rather vague phantom, and cast it towards Klein's body.

As this phantom turned into a complex symbol and imprinted on Klein's forehead, the entire spiritual world and the outside real world shook slightly, as if they had encountered an earthquake from far away.

At this moment, Klein's surroundings became darker, and illusory stars appeared one after another. They surrounded the strange light door and seemed to want to gather together.

Among these illusory stars, the two largest ones overlapped, corresponding to a certain area in the real world.

And the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth largest stars are located in other places, different places.

Through these illusory stars, Klein saw Mr. "Gate" and Amon on a certain island, saw the hidden world, Antigonus in the dilapidated palace, and Zaratul hidden in an unknown place. I saw Pales Zarathustra on Leonard's body, and I saw Kotar, the dark demonic wolf...

With the help of the mutation that occurred when he further controlled "Origin Castle", Klein found the angels and kings of angels corresponding to the three paths of "mystery".