Chapter: 3199

The farther you went deep into the ground, the quieter Klein's surroundings became. Those weird buildings were clearly intact, but they seemed to have been dead for many years, and even the breath became cold, dark, and decayed.

Now it feels the same as watching a black and white silent movie. If I hadn�t been able to hear my �breathing� and �heartbeat�, I would have wondered if I was deaf� Klein coughed lightly, resisting with a grunt in his heart The silence of death.

He intuitively believes that once he adapts to this environment and becomes silent physically and mentally, he will truly and irreversibly die bit by bit.

The closer to the ground, the stronger this feeling.

While constantly stealing the distance, Klein walked forward for a long time, and finally saw the bottom of the deep pit.

No, this is not really the bottom, but a huge, dark palace blocking the way down.

The palace was supported by huge pillars, inlaid with various bones and corpses of different parts, and some places were even covered with bloody skins belonging to different races.

Klein stared at it for a few seconds without hesitation. Holding the "Star Staff", he entered the palace through the open gate.

On both sides of the hall, coffins of different shapes and colors are placed one after another. They are quietly placed there, as if even the existence itself has been weathered by death.

As Klein entered, there were sudden sounds inside the coffins, as if rusty joints were being opened one by one.

The gray mist around Klein became thicker, and all the coffins suddenly fell silent.

Ignoring these things, Klein stepped into the depths of the hall, where there was a downward gray-white stone staircase, and a huge stone tablet was erected at the entrance.

On the top of the stele stood a slender statue of a giant bird that seemed to be made of bronze, with various pale symbols on its wings.

Under the bird-shaped bronze statue, on the surface of the stele, the words originated from the "language of the dead" are like very simplified birds of different shapes or snakes coiled into different shapes, forming two ambiguous sentences. Words: "Even the gods cannot escape;

"Even if you die, you will be detained."

Is this a warning to all beings who come to Calderon not to go down this staircase? Does it lead directly to the "River of Eternal Darkness"? Klein turned his thoughts and carefully interpreted the words on the stone tablet.

In his opinion, this seems to indicate that even the true god of Sequence 0, once he gets close to the "river of eternal darkness", will sink there and cannot escape, and even death itself will be affected by this source of quality. Although the abstract river detention will never disappear, it cannot be released either.

From this point of view, just like the "Chaos Sea", without the protection of source quality, even just approaching the "River of Eternal Darkness" will cause terrible changes... Klein withdrew his gaze, straightened it and pinned it on his chest The bird-shaped gold ornaments on the pocket, bypassing the stone tablet with the bronze statue on top, and descending step by step along the gray and white stairs.

He no longer steals distance to avoid running straight into danger.

In the dark, dead and cold environment, the bird-shaped gold jewelry on Klein's chest emitted pale radiance, illuminating a small area, like a boat of life struggling in the wave of death.

After going down for an unknown amount of time, the breath of "Origin Castle" around him swelled reflexively and became extremely dense, like a gray-white cocoon.

At the same time, Klein turned his head slightly, and heard a slight, illusory clacking sound.

This seems to indicate that deep underground, not far from the current location, there is a dark river flowing slowly.

The next second, Klein lowered his head and looked at his feet.

At some point, a dark, unreal stream of water gushed out there.

On its surface, even light cannot exist.

"This is different from what I saw last time..." Klein frowned slightly.

When he went to Calderon to hunt the "Spirit World Predator" before, certain changes were caused, causing a large amount of gray-white illusory tide to surge up from the bottom of the deep pit.

Seen twice, very different colors.

Just as Klein's thoughts turned, at the bottom of the stone stairs, where the dark tide water came in, a thin gray-white mist permeated upwards, combined with the illusory water, and expanded into more misty gray-white "light" water.