Chapter: 3209

"Neutrality favors Amon: 'Hidden Sage';

"Ambiguous attitudes in neutral: 'primordial witch', 'god of steam and machinery'."

"Well, regardless of how far Adam and the 'True Creator' have merged, let's take the worst case scenario and regard them as the ancient sun gods and the dual-path sequence 0 true gods... Goddesses include 'Twilight Giants' and Although the uniqueness of 'Death' is not tolerated, relying on the bird-shaped gold ornament as a medium, it should be able to initially control it. Even if it is not as good as the ancient sun god, it can definitely hold the opponent...

"Amon is also counted according to the dual-path sequence 0 true god. The 'Storm Lord' out of the three of them can score at least two of them to hope to block him... From the surface situation, I still have a certain advantage here... Klein looked at the content listed on the paper, and silently said to himself while concentrating on thinking.

However, such advantages do not count neutrals.

Klein tapped the edge of the mottled long table, thinking about the worst possible situation: "Primary Witch", "Hidden Sage", and "God of Steam and Machinery" are all based on their transactions under the table or their own Likes and dislikes, choose to help Amon.

In this way, even if the "Earth Mother Goddess" joins the battle, Klein will be at a disadvantage: "God of Steam and Machinery" and the rest of the five paths of omniscience and omnipotence will be offset, and the "Original Witch" will hold back the "Primary Witch" who just got it back. The "Moon Goddess", the only "Mother Earth", and the "Hidden Sage" face the "Dark Side of the Universe" and the "Bound God" eroded by the "Mother Tree of Desire"�the power that the outer gods can infiltrate is very limited , the possibility of the "Hidden Sage" gaining an advantage is extremely high.

Moreover, such offsetting is an ideal type of calculation. In the actual scene, in that chaotic situation, Amon, who is in charge of the "error", can play a lot of tricks. It is possible to find the weak point at once, bypass the block directly, make Klein's ceremony invalid, and lose control on the spot. In addition, some gods who seem to support Klein may turn to help Amon based on reasons that he does not know now.

As for those sealed items that can change the balance of power among the gods, Klein doesn't know much about them, so he can't analyze them.

"Heh, I didn't expect that there would be a day when the wool of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' would be harvested. Well, I have to make some preparations for this worst situation, so as to prevent things from really developing in this direction." Klein scattered the paper and pen in front of him. , set his sights on a specially marked prayer spot.

His figure disappeared inside "Origin Castle" and appeared on Bernadette's "Dawn".

"Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette seemed to have a certain premonition of Gehrman Sparrow's arrival, she put down the ancient scroll in her hand without any surprise, and turned her gaze to the visitor at the door.

Klein was also not polite, and said bluntly: "I want to borrow the 'Magic Wishing Lamp' for a day."

Bernadette nodded lightly, raised her hand and picked up the "Magic Wishing Lamp" beside her.

His invisible servant then brought this unique magic lamp to Klein.

Klein reached out to take it, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Bernadette didn't make any requests, as if she wasn't worried at all that she would accumulate wishes and die suddenly.

She believes that Mister Fool can solve this problem, because this existence showed the ability in this area last time.

In the next second, Klein, transformed into Gehrman Sparrow, disappeared on the "Dawn" and returned to the interior of "Origin Castle".

After he put the "Magic Wishing Lamp" on the table in front of him, he immediately saw the wick ignite, emitting a viscous light, forming a distorted and fuzzy light golden figure.

"You have not fulfilled your promise, and I will not fulfill your wish according to your wish." "Deng Shen" said in a grand and majestic voice, "You should know that the current owner of this lamp is Rose Er's daughter, the first wish you made will be accumulative to her, let her fulfill three wishes, and encounter the backlash of the Transcendence Sequence, and this time, I will not allow you to transfer the number of wishes she carries to your own. body."

When Klein used the "Wishing Lamp" to get out of trouble, he did not change the ownership of this "0" level sealed item. It still belonged to Bernadette, and its owner was still the "Queen of Mysteries".

Therefore, the wish he made will be accumulated on himself and Bernadette at the same time:

At that time, his first wish was to transfer the two wishes made by Bernadette to his own name, which emptied the wishes on Bernadette, and he was burdened with two wishes.

But at the same time, this first wish will also accumulate, so after it is realized, the number of real wishes on Bernadette is 1, and that of Klein is 3.

Next, Klein made a second wish, which will undoubtedly be recorded on Bernadette and him at the same time.

In the end, the number of wishes that Bernadette carried was 2, which did not exceed the critical point, while Klein's wish reached 4. Without any accident, he encountered the backlash of the rules at the level of the Outer Gods, and died suddenly in Adam's "Church of Bones". Successfully escaped.

Under such a premise, if Klein makes any more wishes, the number of wishes on Bernadette will reach 3, and she will inevitably suffer horrible things.

Of course, he can also imitate the first wish last time, transfer the number of wishes that Bernadette carried to himself, and use up a chance of "resurrection", but "Deng Shen" has clearly stated that he will distort similar wish, let it come true in a way that Klein didn't want to see.

Sigh, it was too hasty last time, and Roselle was influenced by the "primordial moon" again, so the wish discussed still had some loopholes... At that time, I should have added a description so that the first wish was only recorded in my name, or, Add another wish between the first and second wishes, and transfer the ownership of the "Magic Lamp of Wishing" to me. Anyway, after I die, the ownership will definitely be emptied, and the "Magic Lamp of Wishing" will return to it In the hands of the actual owner... Klein sighed secretly, smiled at "Deng Shen" and said, "You should be familiar with 'tampering' or 'reorganization'.