Chapter: 322

The monster seized the opportunity and rushed to the gap immediately.

It's going to escape the cabin and jump into the Tussock River!

Looking at the wrinkled, slimy head, Klein raised his right hand and pulled the trigger.


The silver demon hunting bullet hit the monster's torso as he expected, but it only shattered the scale and embedded half of it.

The monster immediately let out a piercing scream, and with both feet exerted force, it rushed out like the wind and rushed towards Klein.

With a strong fishy smell coming from the end of his nose, Klein suddenly lowered his body and rolled to the side.

bang! He felt the hull of the ship shake, and some debris hit him.

At the same time, he heard an old and deep voice, which was a mantra spoken in ancient Hermes language: "Dark night!"

Klein rolled a few more times. He didn't care to pick up his cane, and hurriedly raised his gun and looked up, only to see Old Neil calmly throwing the spell in his hand not far from the monster.

The silver flake was quickly enveloped in dark red flames, making a slight explosion sound.

The deep and quiet power dissipated instantly, and the monster that almost smashed the side of the ship shook suddenly, and its movements became sluggish.

At this time, Swain rushed out from the cabin, bullied the monster, twisted his waist and swung his arms, and punched the opponent several times like a machine gun, all of which hit the opponent's head with bang bang bang.

But he could only make a hole, and couldn't cause fatal damage, but Klein could feel that the savings of this blue-eyed old man was about to reach its peak.

boom! The monster seemed to have recovered, swung its forearm back, and swung Swain back five steps, each step shattering the deck.

Seeing that the monster was about to turn back and jump off the cargo ship, Klein quickly took out the "Sleep Charm" from his pocket with his left hand.

Immediately afterwards, he proficiently pronounced a word in ancient Hermes: "Dark night!"

All of a sudden, Klein felt that the silver charm in his palm became cold, like snowflakes accumulating.

Without thinking too much, he poured his spirituality into the spell, pulled his shoulders, swung his arms, and threw it towards the monster.

At this moment, the murloc-like monster has already jumped into the air.

The dark red flame instantly illuminated the surrounding darkness, and the slight explosion sounded like a prelude to hypnosis, rippling away quickly.


The monster fell straight onto the pier, curled up into a ball, and briefly entered a semi-slumber state.

Klein was about to get to the side of the ship and shoot the monster in the head when he saw Swain, who had lost his navy uniform, rushing out and jumping off after him.

He adjusted his posture in mid-air, and the muscles of his body bulged.

In Klein's inspiration, something extremely suppressed broke out. Swain fell from the sky, smashed on the monster, then straightened his back, punched down heavily, and hit the opponent's head.


The monster's head was torn apart, dark red blood and gray brain tissue were scattered all over the floor, accompanied by dark green mucus.

"Is this one of the abilities of the 'Raging People'?" Klein stood by the side of the broken ship and muttered to himself silently.

Old Neil clutched his left hand, moved closer, and followed him to look down.