Chapter: 326

After a little getting used to the light of the gas lamp, Audrey saw two blackboards erected in the front, with lines of words written on them.

At this time, Forsi, who was holding a cigarette but not lit, said in a low voice: "That is the individual needs of the party members. You should understand that many people don't want others to know what they have, so as not to be targeted by greedy people. So, they would anonymously write on the blackboard what they wanted, or what they hoped to sell, along with approximate prices and item requirements.�

Audrey nodded slightly, ignoring the observation of the party members, and directly browsed through several entries on the blackboard on the left: "A pair of adult Manhal fish eyes is needed."

"The dust left by the wraith, 165 pounds."

"Emperor Roselle's notes, three pages, 20 pounds."

Seeing this, Audrey could no longer maintain the state of the audience, and was shocked and excited.

These prices, these prices, are so, so cheap! She thought excitedly and delightedly.

As she walked, her eyes shifted and she saw more entries: "Baby's Cry, Flowers, 200 pounds."

"Mummy powder, 10 grams, 5 pounds."

"Murloc slime, 30ml, 29 pounds."

"Sequence 8 Sheriff potion formula, 450 pounds."

So, so cheap! None of the Extraordinary materials cost more than 300 pounds! Audrey watched with bright eyes, and at the same time followed her companion to find a place to sit down.

At this moment, Hudilcha came close to her ear and asked in a low voice, "What do you want?"

Audrey's breathing became heavier, and the famous declaration of Emperor Roselle flashed in his mind in an instant: "I want it all!"

She has two older brothers, so it is not her turn to inherit the title and main property, but as a girl who is loved by her parents and brothers, she has real estate, fields, pastures, mines, jewelry, stocks, shares and bonds.

This is considered her family property, but before the death of her father, Earl Hall, or her own marriage, she only owned it in name and received a corresponding annuity every year.

But even so, she still has an income of 150,000 to 250,000 pounds a year, and she can be ranked among the female nobles in the entire Loen Kingdom.

Of course, as a nobleman, many necessary expenses are indispensable, especially since she already has an annuity income, she can no longer look to her parents for everything.

She controlled herself and replied reservedly: "For the time being, I have only taken a fancy to Emperor Roselle's notes. I am his admirer. I think the special runes or words he created have mysterious power. It's just us. Didn't find a way to put them together properly."

Audrey, you are becoming more and more hypocritical, she silently added in her heart.

As soon as she finished speaking, a young man in a white shirt and black vest who was sitting on a nearby chair excitedly echoed: "Yes! That's it! I finally met someone who holds the same views as me!"

"I am the owner of those three pages of notes, and I can sell them to you right now!"

Audrey was at a loss at first, and then replied with a smile: "Then please allow me to express my thanks."

She took out two 10-pound cash notes and handed them to the other party, and got three pages of Emperor Roselle's diary. Of course, no one here knew that it was a diary, and it was only called a note in general.

After getting it in her hand, she flipped through it, and Audrey confirmed that the text was similar to the ones she had obtained before.

Putting away the diary, she asked Xio and Fors in a low voice: "If the notes are fake, who can I contact? Sir?"

"Yes, sir does not allow any fraud in the party he organizes, well, I can also help you arbitrate in private." Hudilcha replied eagerly.

"I understand." Audrey entered the "spectator" state and began to examine the Extraordinary and Extraordinary reservists present.

Because of the excitement of the young man just now, many people noticed this side, and they were sizing up Audrey and Greint, either obviously or covertly, but they lacked the gaze that penetrated the hood.

Sofas, chairs, and tea tables are placed scatteredly, facing the blackboard. The material is very ordinary, which shows that the convener is not a nobleman, and he is very casual in this respect. Well, with his self-confidence, he will not intentionally make similar disguises. Audrey Roll your eyes and observe calmly.