Chapter: 343

"This is the time recorded by the 'Chiefs' of the past dynasties. Other citizens of the City of Silver regard the time when there are more lightning bolts as day, the time when lightning subsides as night, and one alternate as day...Because this is often chaotic, we cannot grasp the exact number of days .�

What a strange place... Klein was thankful that he didn't take it for granted just now, but rather vaguely described it as the next two days.

After Derrick briefly talked about a few things worth remembering in the history of the City of Silver, he turned to say: "After the population recovered to a certain level, the number of Extraordinary people also increased, and the 'Six-member Council' began to organize elites The team went to explore the darkness. Until recently, until today, we have explored the original land and the nearby city-states, and are heading towards the thicker and more terrifying depths of the darkness. On the edge of there, we found many strange styles but suffered a lot. ruined cities, which we suspect were sanctuaries built by the rest of the remaining humans, sadly still being consumed by the 'dark things' in the end."

The "dark things" he described should refer to all kinds of monsters hidden in the depths of the darkness, which normal people can hardly imagine... Klein nodded invisibly.

"...The Kingdom of Silver was once ruled by the court of giants, so the extraordinary chain we have mastered is the 'giant' pathway, we also call it the 'Holy Blood Warrior' pathway... When we kill some monsters , while exploring those ruined cities, I got some potion formulas of other sequences, but the chain is not complete, and there are more or less incomplete." Derrick began to introduce the current situation of the City of Silver.

Hearing this, Klein immediately lifted his spirits. Although his posture didn't change, he was obviously more focused.

My favorite thing to know about sequence potions! Giant King's Court... The City of Silver and the Northern Continent have the same history? The history of the second era... um, killing monsters will drop the formula? This is a game, right? No, there is another possibility that those monsters used to be human beings, Extraordinary... Klein suddenly felt a little heavy.

Seeing that the Fool didn't say anything, Derrick gritted his teeth and said after deliberation: "The names of the potion formulas of the 'Giant' path are, in sequence, Sequence 9 'Extraordinary Warrior', Sequence 8 'Gladiator', and Sequence 7 'Weapon Master' ', Sequence 6 'Dawn Knight', Sequence 5 'Guardian', and Sequence 4 'Demon Hunter', and the names of higher sequences are only known to the elders of the 'Six Council'."

Sequence 4 "Demon Hunter"... Is this the name of the high-sequence potion formula? This is the first time I know something like this! Klein felt relieved that he had finally mastered the "title" of a high-sequence powerhouse, but he suspected that this was an ancient name, which was different from the current description of the Northern Continent, just like the "Storm Priest" and "Navigator" different.

Well, extraordinary warrior, gladiator, weapon sounds the way, the complete sequence mastered by the Church of God of War is very similar to this one! Sequence 9 "Warrior", Sequence 8 "Fighter", Sequence 7 "Weapon Master"! Due to the issue of confidentiality authority, Klein only knows the names of the first three formulas of the complete sequence of the Church of God of War, but this does not prevent him from equating the two.

From the point of view of the core meaning, it is basically the same... The complete sequence mastered by the Church of the God of War turned out to be the so-called "giant" pathway... This god, who is said to have appeared in the third era, that is, the era of catastrophe, inherited the legacy of the royal court of giants? Or is he himself an ancient giant? While doing analysis and judgment, Klein maintained a "calm" gaze.

Derrick also introduced: "After overcoming the initial difficulties, the City of Silver has been ruled by the 'six-member council', and the elder who holds the highest position in it is honored as 'chief', and the other five are regardless of their rank... The current 'six-person ceremonial group' is composed of three 'demon hunters', the two most potential 'guardians' and one 'shepherd'."

Shit, there are three high-sequence powerhouses in the City of Silver! A strong demigod and half man! Picking out one alone can destroy the Tarot Club hundreds of times... Klein felt guilty for a while, he hadn't tried to "pull people" under the eyes of a high-sequence powerhouse.

However, considering that the boy opposite was just an ordinary person, not even a Sequence 9, he would definitely not receive the attention of high-ranking people for a long time, so he was relieved.

"Shepherd", is this from another sequence? Those incomplete sequences...sounds very similar to the style of the "Aurora Society". That, that member of the "Aurora Society" whose name I forgot wrote to Mr. Z, kept mentioning "the Lamb of the Lord" �Klein maintained his leisurely posture, and asked casually, "Shepherd?"

"Yes, this is the sequence path we found from those cities destroyed by 'dark things', only to sequence 5 'Shepherd', but, but Elder Lovia is very powerful, very strange, very scary, it is said She once fought against high-level evil spirits and was not injured, so she made an exception and became an elder after the seat of the 'six-member council' became vacant." Derrick replied with a hint of fear.

Klein thought for a while, then asked with a smile: "What is the pre-sequence of 'Shepherd'? I feel familiar with it. You know, there will always be a difference between the name in history and the modern name."

"In the City of Silver, the name of the potion has never changed." Derrick instinctively retorted, then lowered his head and said, "Sequence 9 'Secret Prayer'..."

really! Klein was satisfied because his conjecture was confirmed.

This is the Sequence 9 name of "Aurora Society"!

"Sequence 8 'Whisperer', Sequence 7 'Hermit', Sequence 6 'Rose Priest', Sequence 5 'Shepherd'." Derrick narrated everything he knew.

Whisperer, listener, almost... Hey, I know more than the information on Nighthawk Tingen Branch... Klein was in a good mood and motioned for Derrick to continue.

Derrick roughly described the current situation of the City of Silver, and finally couldn't help but mention: "We bear the curse of fate, no matter ordinary people or extraordinary people, we will become evil spirits after death. Spirits are even more weird, terrifying, and difficult to deal with. In history, this curse almost destroyed the City of Silver several times. The only solution is to end the life of the dying person by someone with the same bloodline."

"It's really a cruel thing. I hope you can grow stronger and find a way to free the people of the City of Silver from the curse." The empty-handed "Fool" Klein could only pour free chicken soup on the other party.

"So, I want to be the sun, to be the sun... When the sun still shines on the earth, we didn't encounter any curse." Derrick whispered with difficulty and pain.

Klein nodded slightly and said, "You will have a chance. Remember, I will pull you here again at any time in the next two days. Try to avoid staying with other people."

"Okay." Derrick replied in a deep voice.

"Before that, you need to confirm your code name." Klein smiled and pointed to the surface of the long bronze table, where a deck of Tarot cards had already manifested.

He believed that the other party must have never been in contact with this kind of thing, so he briefly introduced: "Choose a card as your code name, except Fool, Justice and Hanged Man."

Derrick took two steps forward, flipped through the tarot cards, and said without hesitation: "'Sun', I choose 'Sun'."