Chapter: 356

The other party used an ancient psychoanalyst corresponding to Sequence 7, not a more modern psychiatrist!

It's very strange, this guy Audrey once again scrutinized the sun's every move.

Derrick didn't feel that he showed an unusual side at all, and replied seriously: I can help you get this formula!

After he finished speaking, he felt guilty because he couldn't take it out for the time being, so he forcibly explained:

This is a sequence derived from the dragon family, and our City of Silver was once ruled by the royal court of giants. As you know, giants and dragons are sworn enemies. Therefore, both 98 and 7 of this sequence are available in the City of Silver. There is a way to get it.

Thanks to this kid, I kept telling him not to talk nonsense and not to reveal his background, but Klein almost wanted to cover his face with his hands.

Hey, Sun Boy looks very silent, painful and mature, but he is really just a boy! However, it made me understand one thing. It turns out that the audience sequence originally originated from the family of giant dragons. No wonder the symbol made up of stars behind Miss Justice's high-back chair is the dragon. The history of the City of Silver is well preserved. Klein maintains Leaning back in the chair, he thoughtfully listened to the sun's statement.

In fact, he can easily prevent Sun from revealing these things�as long as he doesn't help with simultaneous translation, Justice and The Hanged Man will listen to it for nothing, because they don't understand at all.

But after Klein thought about it, he felt that this could effectively consolidate his powerful and mysterious image in the hearts of the three members, so he listened with a smile, without making a sound, without making any unnecessary attempts.

King's Court of Giants, Clan of Giant Dragons, and Audrey of the City of Silver were confused for a while, and first glanced at the Hanged Man across from him, judging from his body movements that the gentleman was also shocked and puzzled.

She hurriedly looked sideways at the long bronze table, and saw the Fool sitting on that high-backed chair, covered in a thick gray-white mist, with his right elbow resting on the armrest, and letting his palm rest leisurely against the slightly sideways chair. Head, no surprise, no surprise, no thinking, no doubts, just watching all this with a smile on his eyes.

He knew that he knew that Audrey and Alger made a positive judgment in their hearts almost at the same time.

City of Silver, I've never heard of this place where is it? Audrey asked tentatively, while Alger the Hanged Man listened intently.

At this moment, Sun Derrick Berg was also full of doubts. He could tell that apart from the existence of the Fool, who might be a god, Justice and The Hanged Man were obviously closer to Extraordinary, a certain sequence of Extraordinary.

And in the place abandoned by the gods, Derrick has never seen other living people except the people of the City of Silver.

So, he asked back:

You are not citizens of the City of Silver, which city-state are you from?

Hey, Klein couldn't help but want to sigh again.

Audrey's lips moved, and she didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Well, his hidden meaning is that if you don't want to answer similar questions, don't just ask about the city where other people are located. Miss Justice nodded slightly, and closed her mouth gracefully.

Obviously, Argel the Hanged Man also misunderstood Sun's purpose, and didn't know that the other party was really asking purely, so he also kept silent without saying a word.

Derrick, who didn't get an answer, seemed to understand something, so he stopped mentioning this matter and said instead:

I'll get the recipe for the 'Mind Reader' potion as soon as possible, which I want to exchange for the initial sequence of the 'Sun' pathway.

'Sun' pathway? Sequence 9 'Singer'? Alger the Hanged Man asked back immediately.

Derrick Sun thought for a while and said:

It should be this, but I lack understanding of it.

Klein, who was watching everything, decided to come forward because he didn't want to take the risk of being robbed of the business by others.

He smiled and said:

I don't think 'Miss Justice' has a recipe for 'Singer'.

But there's a good chance Mr. Hanged Man can get it