Chapter: 38

"It is a good helper for psychics, and it is also a charming enough flower essence..."

As Daly narrated, Klein felt her voice coming from all directions.

Looking around in confusion, Klein found that everything was shaking and blurring, as if covered in layers of thick fog, and even his own body was shaking, blurring, fluttering, and losing weight. .

The red ones are redder, the blue ones are bluer, and the black ones are blacker. The mixed colors are like impressionist oil paintings, blurred and dreamy, and the surrounding murmurs are scattered and overlapping, as if there are countless invisible people discussing.

"This is similar to the feeling I had when I did the 'Transfer Ritual' before, but it doesn't have the smell that makes people crazy and makes people want to explode..." Klein looked at all this and thought in doubt.

At this moment, his eyes were attracted by a pair of eyes that were as bright as emeralds. Daly in black robe was sitting on the vague "sofa", her eyes were strangely focused on the top of Klein's head, and she said with a soft smile : "Meet me formally, Daly the 'Psychic'."

This...I can still think calmly and rationally...just like during the 'Transfer Ceremony' and the 'Party'... Clay's thoughts moved, and he deliberately showed a state of confusion: "Hello..."

"People's thinking is very broad and hides many secrets. Look, in that sea, all we can understand is the islands exposed on the sea surface, but in fact, there are even larger parts of the islands under the sea surface, but in fact , apart from the islands, there is also the entire sea, and the boundless sky that symbolizes the spirit world..."

"You are the spirit of the body, you not only know the islands above the sea, but also the parts of the islands hidden under the sea, you know the whole sea...

"Everything that exists must leave traces. The memory on the surface of the island can be erased, but the part below the surface of the sea and the entire sea must have its remaining corresponding projection..."

Daly induced it over and over again, and the blurry wind and shadows around her also changed into similar shapes, as if Klein's spiritual ocean was completely exposed here, waiting for him to find and discover by himself.

Klein watched calmly, "churning" the sea from time to time, and finally replied in an ethereal tone: "No... I can't remember... I forgot..."

He shows pain just right.

Daly tried to induce him again, but the sober Klein was not affected.

"Okay, let's end here, let's go back."

"Let's go back."

"Let's go back��"

While the ethereal voice lingered, Daly disappeared, the wind and shadows began to subside, and the quiet taste and faint wine aroma became apparent again.

All the colors returned to normal, and the blurred and confused feeling no longer appeared. Klein's body trembled and he regained his weight.

He opened his eyes, which he closed at some point, and found that in front of him was still the bright blue candle, Dunn Smith who was sitting comfortably, and Daly the "Spiritualist" who was wearing a hooded black robe.

"Why did you use the theory of those evil lunatics from the Psychological Alchemists?" Dunn frowned slightly and looked at Daly.

Dai Li put away the two small bottles, and replied calmly: "I think it's quite correct, at least in line with what I've seen and touched..."

Before Dunn could speak again, she spread her hands and said, "He's a tricky guy, and he didn't leave any trace."

Hearing these words, Klein next to him heaved a long sigh of relief, and asked pretending to be ignorant: "It's over? What happened just now? I feel like I fell asleep..."

Is this a pass?

Fortunately, there is an "exercise" of the "transfer ceremony"!

"Let's think so." Dunn interrupted his words, looked at the "psychic" Daly and said, "Have you checked the bodies of Welch and Naya?"

"The corpse can tell us more than you can imagine. It's a pity that Welch and Naya did commit suicide. It can only be said that the power that influenced them is terrifying, and there is no trace left." Daly stood Standing up, he stretched out his hand to the candle, "I'm going to rest."

The bright blue light disappeared, and the house was instantly filled with blurred crimson.
