Chapter: 4

It is dark yellow in color and shimmers with copper luster. The head of a man wearing a crown is engraved on the front, and the word "1" is surrounded by wheat ears on the back.

Zhou Mingrui knew that this was the most basic currency of the Loen Kingdom. It was called copper pennies. The actual purchasing power of 1 penny was roughly equivalent to three or four dollars before he crossed over. The currency value of this coin also had 5 pennies, half pennies and quarters. There are three kinds of pennies, but it is still not refined enough. In daily life, it is still necessary to round up from time to time to buy items.

After flipping the copper penny that was only issued when King George III ascended the throne a few times with his fingertips, Zhou Mingrui twirled it and stuffed it into the vertically opened slender "mouth" of the gas meter.


As the penny fell to the bottom inside the meter, the sound of gears turning clicked and clicked, playing a short but beautiful mechanical melody.

Zhou Mingrui stared at it for a few seconds, then returned to the log-colored desk, and stretched out his hand to turn the switch of the gas lamp.

Da da da, slap!

A clump of flames ignited and quickly grew in size. The bright light first occupied the interior of the wall lamp, and then passed through the transparent glass, covering the room with a warm color.

The darkness shrunk away suddenly, and Scarlet exited the window. Zhou Mingrui felt a little relieved for no reason, and quickly walked to the full-length mirror.

This time, he carefully examined the position of his temples, not letting go of any details.

After several comparisons, he found that apart from the initial blood stains, the hideous wound did not bleed out any more fluid, as if it had received the best hemostasis and bandaging, and the slowly wriggling gray-white brain and the wound flesh growing at a speed visible to the naked eye showed that With the arrival of healing, maybe thirty or forty minutes, maybe two or three hours, there will be only shallow traces left.

"The healing effect brought by time travel?" Zhou Mingrui raised the right corner of his mouth and whispered silently.

Then, he let out a long breath, no matter what the reason was, at least he was still alive!

After calming down, he pulled the drawer, took out a small piece of soap, and took one of the worn towels hanging next to the cupboard, then opened the door and walked to the shared bathroom of the tenants on the second floor.

Well, the blood on the head needs to be dealt with, lest it always look like a crime scene, it doesn't matter if you scare yourself, if you scare your sister Melissa who has to get up early tomorrow, then the matter will not end well!

The corridor outside the door was dark, only the crimson moonlight from the windows at the end could barely outline the outlines of the protruding things, making them like pairs of monster eyes silently watching the living in the deep night.

Zhou Mingrui walked lightly, walking towards the bathroom with some trepidation.

Once inside, the moonlight was brighter and everything became clear. Zhou Mingrui stood in front of the sink and turned on the tap.

Crashing, the sound of water came into his ears, and he suddenly thought of the landlord, Mr. Franky.

Because the water bill is included in the rent, this short and thin gentleman with a top hat, a waistcoat, and a black suit is always actively coming to inspect several bathrooms and eavesdropping on the sound of running water inside.

If there was a greater clatter, Mr. Franky, in disregard of his gentlemanly demeanor, would swing his cane fiercely, knock on the bathroom door, and shout "Damn thief!" "Waste is a shameful thing!" "I remember You!" "Let me see you again, take your dirty luggage and get out!" "Believe me, this is the most cost-effective apartment in Tingen, and you will never find a more generous landlord than me Already!"

Withdrawing his thoughts, Zhou Mingrui wet the towel and washed the blood on his face, over and over again.

After looking at the dilapidated mirror in the bathroom and confirming that there were only hideous wounds and pale faces left, Zhou Mingrui relaxed a lot, then took off his linen shirt, and rubbed the stained blood spots with the help of soap.

At this moment, he frowned, thinking that there might be other troubles:

The wounds are exaggerated, and there are many blood stains. Apart from his own body, there should be traces in the room!

After a few minutes, Zhou Mingrui cleaned up the linen shirt, took a wet towel and hurried back home, first wiped the bloody fingerprints on the desk, and then relied on the light of the gas lamp to search for other residues.

After searching, he immediately found a lot of splashed blood spots on the floor and the bottom of the desk, and there was a yellow bullet head on the left wall.

"...Put the revolver against the temple and fire a shot?" The clues from the front and back suddenly connected, and Zhou Mingrui probably understood the cause of Klein's death.

He was not in a hurry to verify, but first carefully wiped off the bloodstains and dealt with the "scene", then took the bullet, returned to the desk, opened the pistol wheel to the left, and poured out the bullet inside.

Crack, crack, a total of five bullets, one cartridge case, all flowing brass luster.