Chapter: 425

Toller glanced left and right, and introduced with a little excitement: "Mrs. Sharon is the most famous and beautiful widow in Tingen City, and also the most sought after lady in social situations. She is Baron Howy's second wife. Unfortunately, she became a widow."

"She was popular among the aristocracy, among newly rich merchants, a socialite who could get invitations to both Conservative and New Party banquets."

"It is said that she has an affair with her stepson, the current Baron Hoy, certain nobles in Backlund, and several senior government employees. She is a very energetic lady...Unexpectedly, she and Senator Maynard has the same relationship... hey..."

To put it simply, an excellent courtesan... Klein summed it up secretly, pointing sideways to the room and said, "The next part is not within my task, how to interrogate Mrs. Sharon is your problem."

"Well, before the purification, I slapped Congressman Maynard with a stick. You guys have to deal with it and think about an explanation."

"What?" Toler, who was like a brown bear, was taken aback. He looked at Klein, then at the guest room, and rushed in with an agility that he shouldn't have.

He pulled back the white cloth covering the corpse, inspected it carefully a few times, and said with a sigh of relief: "It's better than I imagined, it's not a big problem."

Maybe I should pull out the revolver and send Councilman Maynard five hunting bullets to see if the problem is serious or not... Klein slandered, pointing to the door and saying, "I won't have anything to do with me from now on, right?"

"No!" Toller yelled suddenly, "Wait a little longer."

Klein asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

Toller explained very seriously: "We must prevent accidents. I will send you back to Zotland Street after we have asked Mrs. Sharon and made a statement."

Maynard who died for more than 0 hours can "live", what else can't happen? You are gone, what should I do? Toller added silently in his heart.

"Alright." Klein rubbed his forehead and said, "Find me a quiet room to rest."

He has only been promoted for a day and his state is still unstable in all aspects. He held several ceremonies just now, used two charms, and was quite frightened. Therefore, he must meditate as soon as possible to eliminate the problem.

The current Klein is extremely vigilant about "out of control".

Toller put on the white cloth, obviously relaxed a lot and said, "No problem."

He led Klein into the guest room near the sun room, pointed inside and said, "Inspector Moretti, you can rest assured that no one will disturb you. I'll go find Mrs. Sharon first."

Klein nodded slightly, watched the other party leave, then closed the door and closed the curtains.

In the dark and quiet bedroom, he walked slowly to the rocking chair, lay down comfortably, and let his body swing back and forth rhythmically.

Countless phantoms of light spheres piled up in his mind, and the humming in Klein's ears and the throbbing pain in his head disappeared bit by bit.

When the state was stable, he opened his eyes and looked at the furniture such as beds and cabinets outlined in the darkness, calmly summarizing his previous attempts: "Several exaggerated jokes have not received 'feedback' for the time being..."

"Maybe it's because I haven't really controlled the power of the 'Joker' potion, and there are still negative effects left...Of course, the possibility that this kind of acting is not very effective cannot be ruled out."

"...I personally don't like to play the 'clown', but since I chose this sequence path, I can only bite the bullet and go down..."

"Actually, everyone in life has more or less time to become a 'clown', so don't be too repulsive..."

"I have to figure out what the core elements of 'Joker' are as soon as possible..."

Amid all kinds of thoughts roiling, Klein suddenly took out a brass-colored penny with a denomination of half.

He habitually wanted to divination whether there were supernatural factors affecting Maynard's death.

This may be an occupational disease... Klein shook his head and laughed, his eyes darkened, and he repeated silently: "John Maynard's death was affected by extraordinary factors."

