Chapter: 428

Probably! Klein nodded thoughtfully, controlled his facial expressions and body language, and asked casually, pretending not to care, "When was the last time that Mr. Lanrus visited Hood Eugene?"

"At the beginning of July, what day is it? I have to go back to the madhouse to look through the corresponding registration form to find out." Dust Guderian replied after pondering for a few seconds.

At the beginning of July, at that time, Lanerwusi's scam hadn't gone bankrupt, and he hadn't escaped from Tingen... Klein turned to ask: "Has Hood Eugen usually mentioned this gentleman?"

"No, you should know that it is impossible for a Sequence 7 'psychiatrist' to accidentally leak certain things. Every word they say is carefully considered in their hearts, unless they have other purposes , otherwise it would be difficult to find out the secret from them, and I also took advantage of the opportunity of Hood Eugen's madness to get the formula of 'Mind Reader', by the way, have you confirmed the authenticity of that formula?" Daxter hid his pride in his sequence well.

Klein smiled and said: "It's true. When you need to be promoted, you can safely prepare potions according to it. If the 'Psychological Alchemy Association' fails to provide materials, we can help. Well, your recent status How about it?"

"It's not bad. Except for being more anxious about Hood Eugen, the whole person has been relaxed, and there is no sign of split personality anymore. In this matter, you really helped me a lot." Daxter Sincerely said with emotion.

Klein made a humble expression and said, "This is what I should do."

"Let's go back to the topic just now. Since you said that the 'psychiatrist' will carefully consider every word he will say and not easily reveal secrets, why did Hood Eugene tell you that El is Lanerus? Is he hinting at something, or reminding you of something?"

Daxter was stunned for a long time before he frowned and said: "This is indeed very weird, I didn't notice it at all... But other than that, Hood Eugene didn't mention anything... Could it be that his purpose is, If something goes wrong with him, can I relay the name of Lanerus to the higher-ups in the council?"

"The actual situation is also a bit problematic. After I reported the matter of Hood Eugen's madness, a liaison officer did come over. After I explained every detail in detail, including the name of Lanerus, the higher-ups did not Response, like throwing a stone into the ocean, does that mean they guessed something?"

"A very reasonable guess." Klein took out the demon hunting bullets, stuffed them into the wheel one by one, and tried to aim at the target.

"Based on this conjecture, Hood Eugen may have expected that he would really go crazy or die directly... and this has something to do with Lanwusi? But, since he has already predicted it, why didn't he report it to the higher-ups in advance? Help?" Daxter looked forward without focus, thinking hard, "It's a pity that he is crazy now and can't communicate effectively."

"Maybe a certain temptation made him choose to take risks." Klein made a guess.

At the same time, he was regretting that Hood Eugene had really become a mental patient, which cut off many clues.

Hey, even a dead person is better than a lunatic. I can use a psychic method to make a dead person speak. What should a lunatic do? Ah yes, Ms. Daly once tried to use spiritism to awaken my lost memories, and the theory she used came from the "Psychological Alchemy Society"... This shows that "psychic rituals" can also be used on living people to create a direct relationship between spirits and spirits. The communication situation... In this state, I don't know if Hood Eugene is still crazy...

It's a pity, I'm not professional enough in this field, I probably can't do it... well, I'll call the messenger first, write to Ms. Daly to see what skills she can provide, if she thinks that only she can do it, then tell Captain, ask him to send a telegram to Backlund Diocese, requesting assistance...

I definitely didn't go around in circles just to learn some skills and try the ritual of summoning the messenger...

Thoughts flashed through Klein's mind, and he gradually came up with a solution to the problem.

Daxter quite agrees with his guess: "Greed always makes people ignorant, even if you clearly know that there is an abyss ahead, try to get close to the boundary and take a peek."

This is called crazy probing on the verge of death... Klein slandered, thought for a while and said, "After you return to the madhouse, try to treat Hood Eugene as much as possible, try to make him awake for a while, and give him a hint."

"Also, don't hide your worries and anxieties, and contact the people from the 'Psychological Alchemists' to urge them to solve Hood Eugen's problem. This is the most normal and reasonable reaction."

Daxter nodded solemnly: "I will try my best."

Klein didn't say any more, and asked again after deliberation: "Has there been any abnormalities in Hood Eugen's body recently? For example, some parts have grown fine scales."

"Half-crazy", "truly crazy" and "out of control" are descriptions of different degrees when Extraordinary people really have problems. The minor ones are just changes in the three views, like a different person, but they can think rationally and act normally, which belongs to "half-crazy" , the more serious ones will lose their logic, become chaotic and insane, and have difficulty communicating, which is called "true madness".

And at some point, if the existing problems are not solved in time, the madness may be out of control.

Previously, in order not to expose the informants lurking inside the "Psychological Alchemy Association", Dunn ordered the nighthawks not to immediately control Hood Eugene, but to adopt monitoring and investigation to prevent accidents. Signs must be dealt with decisively.

Daxter shook his head and smiled wryly: "No, you can rest assured on this point. I am also very afraid that Hood Eugen will lose control and will not miss any details. After all, I am in the madhouse six days a week."

After a few more conversations, the two left the range ten minutes apart.

Klein endured the intense sleepiness and took the public carriage all the way back to Narcissus Street.

He opened the door and saw his younger sister sitting on the sofa in the living room, neither reading a book nor tinkering with parts and machinery, just staring at the front in a daze, looking like she had lost her soul.