Chapter: 455

"After reading your letter, I finally understood what happened to me in the past two days. The hotel where I stayed first had the police come to search the rooms one by one, and then someone went around quietly at night. Yes, I'm talking about people with extraordinary abilities. capable people."

"...It turned out that the Hurricane Admiral Chillingus who often appeared in novels and newspapers sneaked into Backlund and caused a lot of killings. I remember that he was not only wanted by our Loen Kingdom, It is also on the bounty lists of the Feysac Empire, the Republic of Intis, and the Fenepot Kingdom..."

So, how much is the bounty? Klein subconsciously came up with such an idea.

He didn't get an answer, because Azik turned to mention other things: "I feel very familiar with the 'shepherd' ability you described. I seem to have seen it somewhere or encountered it, but I can't remember it. It should be I had a previous experience in my life, and it made me feel bad and distressed not to be able to complete the memory."

Hey, Mr. Ards has a certain interest in "Shepherd", this is the starting point for him to help, well, it's just a bit of a coincidence... No, it's not a coincidence, it's inevitable!

According to inference, Azik has lived for more than a thousand years, and he is likely to be a high-sequence powerhouse. Then, in his earliest life, in the previous lives, he must have seen the extraordinary abilities of many sequences, and he is very familiar with them. The more special ones left a deep impression... In other words, not only "Shepherd" can give him a similar sense of familiarity, but also professions such as "Darkless", "Demon Hunter", and "Guardian" should be fine... �

As long as the magical item corresponds to a certain sequence of abilities, Mr. Ards will feel familiar and become interested, which is something that can be imagined...

Klein was puzzled at first, but suddenly realized, he became more certain in his heart.

He moved his eyes down and continued to read: "I recalled some of the sacrificial ceremony you asked about a long time ago. It seems to be because of the deep impression. Maybe, in one of my lives, or the earliest life Here, I am a priest."

"I must warn you in advance and warn you that you must be cautious enough when using sacrificial rituals, and you cannot pin your safety on the conscience of evil gods and some hidden existences. They don't have such things."

"In addition, you must have a strong ability to distinguish, because the evil gods and demons will create seemingly harmless identities for themselves. My opinion is that you cannot sacrifice to an existence that you are not sure about, otherwise your soul will also die." will be a sacrifice."

In easy-to-understand words, the evil gods and demons will wear vests and pretend to be trustworthy identities... Just like in the online world, behind the account of a seemingly cute girl, there may be a big guy who picks his feet... Even if you meet offline and confirm your appearance, you still have to be careful, maybe it's a big guy in women's clothing... Klein didn't ignore Mr. Azik's reminder just because he was making a sacrifice to himself, and nodded in agreement.

After emphasizing the precautions, Azik quickly explained the sacrificial rituals he knew: "First, set up the altar, and draw and engrave the corresponding symbol for which god or hidden existence you wish to sacrifice to. Using herbs and ores belonging to his domain, of course, can also be pre-made into holy oil, balm, incense and other items."

Symbolism? Klein froze for a moment, and realized that he, the "fool who doesn't belong to this era", didn't even know what his corresponding symbol was...

As soon as he thought about it, he quickly thought of the complex symbol behind the high-backed chair at the top of the long bronze table, which was composed of the "eye without pupil" that partly symbolized concealment and the "distorted thread" that partly symbolized change.

"This should be my symbol, to be precise, my symbol above the gray mist... The domain is very simple, secret, change, good luck... But I can't be sure, I can only try to figure it out ...Well, even if the symbol is wrong, as long as the 'honorable name' is correct, the target of the sacrifice will not point to another existence, and at most it will cause the failure of the ceremony. I can be sure of this..." Ke Ryan rubbed the surface of the paper thoughtfully, with a plan in mind.

His eyes regained focus and looked at the continuation part: "Secondly, you have to figure out whether the sacrifice to the corresponding existence needs to be at a specific point in time, and then follow the normal ritual process until you finish reciting the honorable name and prayer statement."

"You must remember that you must use the language of giants, dragons, elves, or ancient Hermes, and use their direct connection with natural forces to complete the communication with the corresponding existence. You can design the specific sentences yourself, but Must have those few key words, 'pray', 'watch', 'dedication', 'kingdom', 'gate', 'open'."

"Finally, you use spiritual materials, combined with the shock of natural power caused by the mantra, to build a preliminary channel and connect to the channel corresponding to the 'Gate of the Kingdom'. If that person is interested, your sacrifice can Finish."

"This step is not necessary. If you can make the corresponding existence very interested, then as soon as you finish reciting the mantra, he will open the 'gate of the kingdom' and build a stable channel by itself. However, this often means danger, because Orthodox gods and friendly hidden existences rarely do this, and only those evil gods and demons will respond directly based on certain purposes."

Materials with spirituality are not cheap... I don't know if just reciting the mantra will allow me to open a sacrificial passage similar to the "Gate of Summoning", and can I mobilize some power in the mysterious space above the gray mist... Hmm , try it first, if it doesn�t work, then go to the underground trading market to buy spiritual materials... You don�t need to use Extraordinary materials, right? Is it enough to have a certain amount of spirituality? Klein thought of the 300 gold pounds in his unregistered account, and thought of the dozen or so pounds he had just saved from his private house.

Extraordinary materials and materials with a certain amount of spirituality are not exactly the same. For example, the heart left by Hood Eugen is an extraordinary material, and those black scales are materials with a certain amount of spirituality.

After reading Mr. Azik's letter, Klein rubbed his fingers, ignited the spiritual flame, burned the paper to ashes, and sprinkled it into the trash can.

At this time, the night was dark, and he was not in a hurry to try it. He planned to make a plan first, finalize the precautions, and then practice.

He has actually been aware of his own problems for a long time, that is, when there is a plan, he acts cautiously and rationally, but once he encounters a situation that is not in the plan, when he encounters a flash of inspiration, it is easy to just think about it. The good, ignore the bad.

The simple description is that it is easy to die on impulse... Klein stretched out his hand and covered his face.

The next day, Dunn Smith, who had already communicated with the "Punisher" and "Mechanical Heart", began to arrange tasks, and Klein also accepted the corresponding assignment to investigate some people who had a certain relationship with Lanerus. But according to his own opinion and the internal system of the Nighthawks, he doesn't need to be responsible for the people he knew before.

Of course, his afternoon fighting lessons were still going on, and Dunn didn't use him as the main investigator.


Backlund, Hillston District, inside a house with stables and gardens.