Chapter: 47

The five-year contract... a weekly salary of two pounds and 10 soli, a confidentiality and risk allowance of 10 soli... Klein read them all, and replied seriously: "I have no problem."

"Then sign it." Dunn pointed to the dark red pen and ink on the table.

Klein first tried the pen with waste paper, then took a breath secretly, and signed his name on the corresponding positions of the two contracts: Klein Moretti.

Because he didn't have a seal yet, he could only press his fingerprints in the end.

Dunn withdrew the contract, took out a seal from the drawer, and stamped it on the end and several key points respectively.

After finishing all this, he stood up, handed back a contract with one hand, and reached out to Klein with the other: "Welcome, from now on, you are a member of us. Note that the contract must also be kept secret."

Klein stood up after him, and while accepting the contract, he held the other party's hand and said with a smile, "Then should I call you captain?"

"Yes." Dunn's gray eyes were unusually deep in the dim yellow environment.

After shaking hands, the two sat down respectively. Klein glanced at the seal on the contract and found that the words read "Nightman Squad in Tingen City, Ahwa County, Loen Kingdom".

"I really didn't expect you to use 'Blackthorn Security Company' to cover it up." He laughed casually.

"Actually, we have another signboard." Dunn took out a piece of paper from the drawer.

It was stamped with the double seals of the city government and the police department, and the content was two lines of words: "The Seventh Team of the Special Operations Department of the Ahwa County Police Department of the Kingdom of Loen."

"The first four groups are normal police officers responsible for security, such as VIP protection group, important place protection group, etc., and starting from the fifth group, they focus on supernatural incidents in various cities in the county. Our seventh group is responsible for the goddess of Tingen City. Events related to believers, if there are people of different beliefs, they will be divided according to region, we mainly focus on North District, West District and Jinwutong District.�

Dunn gave a general introduction, "The sixth group belonging to the 'Punisher' team of the Lord of Storms Church is in charge of the dock area, the east area, and the south area, and the fifth group is the university area and the suburbs, that is, the 'Mechanical Heart' is in charge of it." Tingen's squad."

"Hmm." Klein couldn't find anything to ask about this matter, and instead smiled, "What if someone actually came to entrust a task because of the brand of 'Black Thorn Security Company'?"

"Take it, why not? As long as it doesn't affect the daily affairs." Dunn replied calmly and humorously, "If you make money, it will be used as an extra subsidy. The team members are very happy. Anyway, the trouble of looking for cats and dogs Trivial matters are now taken care of by private investigators."

"How many people are there in our Nighthawk team?" Klein asked on this topic.

"There are not many supernatural events, and there are not many Extraordinary people. There are only six official members of the Nighthawks in the entire Tingen City, including me. Haha, including you, there are six civil servants." Dunn took it easy. answer.

Klein nodded, and finally asked what he cared about the most: "Captain, what is it about the Extraordinary that you said is out of control? Why did it go out of control?"

Hearing Klein's question, Dunn looked out the window at the corridor leading to "Chanis Gate", took out his own pipe, stuffed it with shredded tobacco and mint leaves, put it in his nose, took a deep breath, and his voice was slightly erratic He said with emotion: "Only at home can I unscrupulously enjoy the wonderful flavor of tobacco and mint leaves... Klein, do you know the creation myth?"

"Of course, when I was enlightened at church Sunday school, I learned words from "Apocalypse of the Night". The two chapters of "Book of Wisdom" and "Letter of the Saints" both mentioned the creation myth." Klein recalled the original owner. The memory that had become fragments slowed down and said, "The Creator woke up from the chaos, broke the darkness, and created the first ray of light. He himself completely integrated into the universe and transformed himself into all things. His body became the earth and became the world. Stars, one of His eyes turned into the sun and the other into a crimson moon, part of His blood galloped into seas and rivers, nourishing and nurturing life..."

Speaking of this, Klein paused unconsciously, partly because of the fuzzy memory behind it, and partly because this creation myth is somewhat similar to the theory of Pangu opening up the sky of the big foodie nation...

The imaginations of people from different worlds in myths and legends have something in common!

Seeing that Klein encountered a "difficulty", Dunn smiled and added for him: "His lungs evolved into an elf; his heart evolved into a giant; his liver evolved into a tree; his head evolved into a giant." Dragon; his kidneys evolved into feathered snakes; his hair evolved into phoenixes; his ears evolved into demon wolves; his mouth and teeth evolved into alien species; his remaining body fluids evolved into sea monsters, the essence of which was Naga; His stomach, his small intestine and large intestine, and the evil parts of his body evolved into demons, evil spirits, and various unknown evil existences, and his spirit became the eternal blazing sun, the lord of storms, the god of knowledge and wisdom..."

"Human beings were born from His wisdom. This is the first era, the era of chaos." Klein said the last sentence, feeling amused and ridiculous in his heart.

As a keyboard folklorist, this is the first time he has come into contact with such a detailed creation myth that is "arranged" down to the point where each ranked race is derived from which part of the Creator, and it is listed in detail.

It's like sitting in a row and eating fruits...

And not only the scriptures of the Goddess of the Night said so, the Lord of Storms, the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery also had similar descriptions, did not elevate themselves alone, and belittled other gods...

This either shows that the creation myth is true, or it vaguely reveals that in prehistoric times, before the Fifth Epoch, after long struggles and compromises, several major churches finally reached an agreement...

Thinking of this, Klein suddenly had another question. He frowned slightly and said, "I think there is something wrong with this. Why was the Eternal Blazing Sun, Lord of Storms, and God of Knowledge and Wisdom born directly from the Creator's spirit, while the Goddess was not?" ?�