Chapter: 472

As soon as he agreed, his thoughts began to turn rapidly:

According to the regulations, half of the task reward must be handed over to Mrs. Orianna, and handed over to the team treasury, and the rest will be divided equally among the participating team members. But this time, I seem to be the only one to take over the commission.

No matter whether the investigation is successful or not, there is a guaranteed income of 25 pounds, and if you can really find some clues, you can get a full 125 pounds!

Captain is so wise!

Dunn glanced at him and said: "In the morning, you learn the skills of tracking and monitoring from Leonard and Frye, and the fighting class in the afternoon is suspended, and it will be suspended for this week. Well, I think you should have almost mastered it, and I will send someone to notify you Gawain's."

Looking for Leonard and Fry to learn the skills of tracking and monitoring? Why does it feel a bit unreliable? Klein was stunned for a moment. In his heart, the only way Leonard would use was to play the Fenebot, sing beautiful poems, seduce Mrs. Sharon to bed, and closely follow and monitor , and Frye's temperament is very special, cold and gloomy, which makes him always be watched by others no matter where he is. How can people with this image be followed and monitored?

While thinking about it, Klein seriously replied, "Okay."

Dun En nodded lightly, and walked towards the partition. Suddenly, he stopped, turned around, and asked after hesitation, "Do you remember that tobacco dealer? What happened to the kidnapping case?"

It turns out that Captain, you didn't remember anything just now, and you don't understand anything why you can pretend to be so calm and confident! Klein covered his face with his hands.

According to Leonard's instruction, Klein was not in a hurry to follow Mrs. Sharon, even though he knew very well that she lived on Olsner Street in the East District.

"Before you have a clear understanding of the target's action rules, it is very easy to follow the target rashly, and it is difficult to observe everything with a single person's monitoring, unless you don't eat, drink, sleep, or go home." This is Leonard's reason So Klein followed his instructions and went to the Hound Tavern, found a certain gang leader, and asked him to send his subordinates to monitor Mrs. Sharon in turn to record her daily actions for 5 pounds.

Fortunately, this can be reimbursed. Why does it feel like subcontracting layer by layer? On Friday afternoon, Klein got the investigation report provided by the gang leader.

This is an investigative report, obviously insulting those professional private investigators. None of the gang leader's subordinates know words, they rely on pictures and symbols instead, and then they are semi-literate bosses who have only studied in Sunday school for a year Sorting out and explaining made Klein's head throbbing, and it took him a long time to finish reading.

"According to the monitoring, Mrs. Sharon seldom goes out recently, and there are very few guests visiting. It should be affected by the death of Councilor Maynard. Those gangsters are quite capable, and they even hooked up with Mrs. Sharon's maid. Well, she's going to attend the Conservative Party's banquet in this city tonight, maybe she'll be home late, maybe it's a chance to practice." Klein quickly made a decision, planning to sneak into Madam Sharon's house tonight, Search it quietly.

With the end of the part he was in charge of in the Lanerus case, the suspension of the fighting classes, and the conclusion of the "Vice Admiral Hurricane" Chillingus incident, Klein only has two things to do recently. One is to investigate the red chimney The house, and the second is to track and monitor Mrs. Sharon, so it is relatively free.

Two days ago, he had already received a letter from Mr. Ards, and there was only one sentence in the letter: "I got 'Squirming Hunger', and I remembered something."

This made Klein finally confirm that Qilingos was killed by Mr. Ards, and that this long-lived amnesia teacher was a high-sequence powerhouse, but he did not dare to ask the other party to use the "squirming hunger" to recall What, because Azik obviously didn't want to say that if he was willing to share, he would describe it directly in the letter.

In the letter, apart from greetings, Klein just reminded Mr. Ards that "squirming hunger" would crave the flesh and soul of living people, and a safe sealing method must be found.

In addition, "Justice" and "The Hanged Man" still haven't prayed to him, but Klein is no longer worried, knowing that the two members are worried about possible surveillance, so they don't care about chanting their titles rashly.

On Olsner Street at night, gas street lamps illuminate the flat road, and the crimson moon hangs high.

Klein, who went out secretly, relied on the balance and agility of the "clown" to climb over the wall of Mrs. Sharon's house without a sound.

Walking through the garden to the side of the house, he climbed the water pipe and entered the balcony on the second floor.

For Klein, who never succeeded in climbing a tree as a child, it was an alternative creation of history.

Taking out a tarot card from the pocket of the black windbreaker, Klein inserted it into the crack of the balcony door, and opened the latch with a light flick.

"The servants are so careless that they didn't add additional locks, otherwise I can only try to open the window." Klein whispered silently, and flashed into the house.

According to the information provided by the gang leader, he easily found Mrs. Sharon's bedroom, twisted the handle, and sneaked in lightly.

Carefully closing the door, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, reminiscent of a woman's fragrance that makes people's blood rush.

Klein was in a daze for a moment, and even felt a little reaction in his body.

He immediately calmed down with meditation, and secretly complained: "Is this using love potions as incense?"

After a few seconds, Klein activated his Spirit Vision and looked around the room. Under the crimson moonlight, Mrs. Sharon's bedroom was luxuriously and gorgeously furnished.