Chapter: 495

"Of course, the possibility of your superior's conscious acceptance is not ruled out. After all, 'vampires' can have a long life, excellent physique, and excellent appearance. Compared with these benefits, a semi-crazy state is not unacceptable."

Klein was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Mr. Ards to provide such useful information.

The "Reaper" pathway refers to the "Corpse Collector" pathway, which can be exchanged with the "Sleepless" pathway at a high level. The "Giant" path is interchanged in Sequence 4 and later... The "Giant" path is the one mastered by the City of Silver, which is the current "God of War" path... I have always suspected that the giant king Almir is the ancient God of War...

Well, Emperor Roselle's diary describes that the Church of the Evernight Goddess and the Church of the God of War are incompatible... Is it because their sequences are interchangeable at a high level?

Based on this conjecture, the mutual hatred among the three oldest churches, the Church of the Lord of Storms, the Church of the Eternal Sun, and the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, can be explained to a certain extent, because the "sailors" they master respectively , "Singer" and "Reader" pathways can be interchanged in high sequence!

Well, in the "Pale Age" at the end of the last era, the main drivers behind the fall of the God of Death were the Evernight Goddess and the God of War...

The captain's usual state is normal, except for his poor memory, he doesn't appear to be crazy at all, so the possibility of taking the 'vampire' potion can be ruled out!

Mr. Ards has recalled a lot of things recently... Could it be that "squirming hunger" really stimulated him?

Klein nodded slightly, and continued to read: "'Alien' is not the name of a race, but a description of many similar creatures. They are no different from humans in normal times, but there is always an instinctive and distorted desire hidden in their hearts. , The repressed desire, as long as it encounters the stimulation of a specific scene or a specific thing, it will explode, it will become a monster, and it will wantonly satisfy bloodthirsty and killing desires."

"When everything calms down, they will return to normal again, and every time they erupt, they will become more ruthless, and eventually their hearts will be completely twisted."

"The most common and the only example I can recall are werewolves. They are usually equivalent to humans and cannot be recognized with most extraordinary abilities. However, during the full moon, the twisted desires in the heart will intensify, and the body will also appear. The change."

"Your boss may be a hidden 'alien species', and the death of his teammates inspired his true nature."

"The above are all my personal guesses. Because my memory is not complete, I can't assure you that there is no other possibility. Maybe the precursor to the loss of control you guessed can also be explained."

"It doesn't matter whether you took the 'vampire' potion or belonged to the 'different species'. Of course, some people once speculated that the 'different species' were originally normal humans, but they were cursed by strange or evil gods and demons. pollution, that�s why it turns into different monsters under certain circumstances.�

"In addition, I don't know whether the out-of-control with only precursors can be treated. I suggest you report directly to your boss's boss.

Hope it's all in time. "

Putting down the letter paper, Klein looked at the desk with a solemn expression, thinking for a long time.

He had to admit that the "heterogeneous species" might exist, but the factor that was a precursor to loss of control could not be ruled out.

"I can only wait for Ms. Daly's feedback... She should have received the letter I sent the night before last morning. If I reply in time, I can see it last night or this morning... It's almost noon... That The little messenger dare not approach the Chanis Gate? Or is Ms. Daly delayed by other things?" Klein shook his head, feeling that he was still very tired, so he forced himself to fall asleep again by meditating.

In the misty world, he suddenly woke up and knew that he was dreaming.

Then, he saw Dunn Smith appearing in front of him wearing a black thin windbreaker.

According to his normal dreaming reaction, Klein greeted slowly: "Good morning...captain..."

Dunn nodded lightly and said, "Leonard found a clue in the process of investigating the Ranrus case, and needs your help."

"The spy sent by the Holy Church won't be able to arrive until tomorrow morning because the steam train is out of order."

"Okay..." Klein replied in an erratic tone.

Dunn thought for a while and added: "You don't need to go back to Zouterland Street, go directly to No. 62, Halls Street, Leonard will wait for you there."

"Thanks a lot."

As soon as he finished speaking, Klein's dream was shattered, and his eyes subconsciously opened.

Howers Block... Isn't this the block where the Divination Club, my classmate Welch, and the previous member of the Aurora Society are located? There are so many things going on recently, one after another, as if something is brewing... Klein got up slowly and thoughtfully, went to the bathroom to clean himself up, and then changed into the white shirt and brown shirt he was going out with. With a vest and a black thin windbreaker, and a half-height silk top hat, she went downstairs to the living room.

It was not yet 11 o'clock at this time, and Benson and Melissa hadn't returned yet. Klein explained to the maid Bella that he didn't need to think about his lunch.