Chapter: 539

This is the mysterious world I've been looking for, and this is the feeling I've always wanted! She sincerely praised Mister Fool.

Belief in the Goddess is worship for Mister Fool... Audrey silently defended herself in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, she was stunned to see something more on the "altar", a soft thing that was constantly changing in color and full of valleys.

"The pituitary gland of the colorful lizard dragon!" Audrey was overjoyed, her eyes lit up, and she was about to go forward to take it.

But her etiquette habits immediately controlled her, and Audrey once again sincerely praised Mister Fool.

After the ceremony was over, she couldn't wait to go forward and carefully observed the extraordinary material five times.

"Our Tarot Society is a level higher than all the hidden organizations..." Audrey secretly smug.

Then, she looked at the door warily, as if she was afraid that Susie would break in suddenly.

She will continue to work hard, immediately prepare the potion, and complete the promotion!

A few minutes later, there was a bottle of liquid in Audrey's hand that was constantly changing in luster, and seemed to be able to shine into the bottom of everyone's heart.

She confidently drank this bottle of "Mind Reader" potion, successfully passed the integration stage of Extraordinary characteristics, and obtained a promotion.

What she saw in front of her eyes seemed to be much clearer at once, and there was a lot more added. Audrey skillfully used meditation to restrain the scattered spirituality.

When the sequence was stable, she smiled at the corner of her mouth, walked briskly to the door, let the golden retriever in, and saw Susie's dog showing a clear suspicious expression.

"It took you longer than before." Susie didn't hide her thoughts.

Audrey sat on the soft stool, laughed dryly, and changed the subject: "Susie, tell me, how can I tell Xio and Forsi something in a concealed way without revealing myself, and let them know about it?" Interested in this?"

Before she finished speaking, Audrey herself began to think seriously about the task assigned by Mister Fool.

Then, she looked at Susie, and Susie looked at her, one person and one dog, and fell into deep thought at the same time.


Klein, who had completed the intended goal, returned to reality, slept for an hour, and then hurried out. He spent 1 pound to buy gold-rimmed glasses for camouflage, fake condoms, and various beards that can be glued and torn off. The need for camouflage.

Just before dinner, he went to the East District, where the law and order was the most chaotic and the most populous. He rented a one-bedroom house at a weekly rent of 4 soli and 3 pence. He paid two weeks' rent in one lump sum and a deposit of the same amount, totaling 17 sou Le.

It wasn't until this time that Klein was initially prepared, and the East District also left a deep impression on him. Most of the places here are the same as Lower Tingen Street, but the area it occupies is infinitely wider.

The old clothes of the residents here are quite respectable. Many people are ragged, yellow and thin, and seem to be turned into wild beasts at any time due to hunger and poverty. Therefore, in the East District, gangsters are rampant and there are many cases.

When he returned to the Jowood area, Klein felt as if he had entered heaven from hell.

For the next two days, while he was experimenting with using only his own spirituality to hold ceremonies, making spells, and no longer praying to the goddess, he waited for the effect of the small advertisement to ferment, and entrusted him to come to the door.

On Thursday morning, Klein finally heard the doorbell being rang.

Tinkling, the bell being pulled by the rope kept shaking, and the sound spread throughout the spacious but relatively empty living room.

Klein, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper and researching the investment opportunities, stood up. He wore a white shirt and a black vest without a bow tie, and he looked casual at home.

The first commission of my detective career? However, I can't always wait at home, waiting for the task to come to the door, um... I have to get a guest book and hang it at the door, with an absorbent pen, so that customers can write down the time of their next visit, so that I made preparations in advance... But for a new detective who has just entered the industry and is not well-known, it basically means that there will be no next time... Hey, it can only be a little troublesome for a while, every morning to predict whether there is a commission for the day, and about what time period , arrange it in this way... Of course, this may miss the task that the client is a powerful Extraordinary, um, if you miss it, you will miss it, it is a good thing with a high probability...

As Klein thought about it, he walked to the door. Without going through the cat's eyes, the image of the outside visitor naturally appeared in his mind:

One is an old lady wearing a black plush soft hat. Her back is slightly bent, her face is deeply wrinkled, and her skin is dry and yellow. However, her dark dress is formal and decent, and she looks very neat.