Chapter: 56

Gotta find a way to find more...

Klein's thoughts were ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down until Old Neil came out from the room and closed the iron door.

"Ten rounds of demon hunting bullets, thirty rounds of pistol bullets, a cowhide underarm gun pouch, and a badge of the seventh team of the Special Operations Department. Please count them, try them, and sign the record book." Old Neil Put the item in your hand on the table.

The pistol bullets were packed in cardboard boxes, divided into three layers, neatly arranged, and they were as yellow and elongated as the bullets in Klein's home.

The "Demon Hunting Bullets" are stored in a small iron box, the shape is the same as normal pistol bullets, but the appearance is silver and white, with complex and dazzling patterns, and the small holy emblem of "Stars and Red Half Moon on Black Background" is even engraved on the bottom.

The cowhide gun pouch is solid to the touch, with buckles on the belt, and the half-palm-sized badge next to it is iron-colored, with silver-inlaid words "Ahowa County Police Department" and "Seventh Team of the Special Operations Department". The two circles around the "Double Swords Crossing the Crown" logo.

"It's a pity that it's not the badge of the Nighthawks." Klein said half with emotion and half tentatively.

Old Neil smiled, and only urged Klein to try the gun pouch under his arm.

After taking off his coat, Klein spent a lot of effort to button the gun bag, and it stuck to the armpit of his left arm.

"It's not bad." He didn't take it off again, and put on the formal suit directly.

Old Neil looked him over and nodded with satisfaction: "It's very suitable, my vision is still so accurate."

After putting away other items in his pocket and signing the notebook, Klein chatted with Old Neil for a few more words before leaving.

Halfway through, he was suddenly annoyed, and patted his forehead: "I forgot to find out more about the sequences and potions. It's all because of Emperor Roselle's diary..."

He still doesn't know what the beginning sequence of the complete 'pathway' mastered by the Church of the Evernight Goddess, which is Sequence Nine, is.

Roseanne seems to have mentioned... the sleepless? Just as Klein was walking slowly towards the stairs, a figure stepped down.

He is wearing tight trousers that are easy to move, and the white shirt has not been tucked in. He has an obvious romantic temperament of a poet. He is the black-haired and green-eyed police officer who searched Klein's house before. The two of them met once upstairs, but they didn't speak. .

"Good afternoon." The poet-like young nighthawk greeted with a smile.

"Good afternoon, I don't think I need to introduce myself?" Klein replied humorously.

"No, I'm very impressed with you." The young nighthawk stretched out his right hand and said, "Leonard Mitchell, the 'Midnight Poet' of Sequence 8."

Sequence 8... What a poet... Klein shook hands with him lightly, and asked with a smile, "Is it impressive to me?"

Leonard Mitchell had deep green eyes, and replied with a shallow smile: "You have a special temperament."

...Gay is gay in gay... Klein's mouth moved slightly, and he forced a smile: "I don't think so."

"After encountering such an incident, and not accepting our protection immediately, you are still alive, which is special enough in itself." Leonard pointed to the front, "I have to replace the captain, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Klein sideways out of the way.

When he disappeared at the end of the stairs step by step, Leonard Mitchell turned around suddenly, stared at the dim light and the slate floor, and whispered to the air: "Do you see anything..."


"Sure enough, there is nothing special about him..."

After going up the stairs and returning to the reception hall, Klein was about to say goodbye to Roseanne when he heard the brown-haired girl say briskly, "The captain asked you to come back on Monday and deal with household chores first."

"...Okay." Klein didn't expect the management of the Nighthawks team to be so humane, and he was a little grateful for a while.

He originally planned to get up early tomorrow, take advantage of the opportunity of doing "loitering" outside in the morning, go to the University of Tingen, find the teacher in charge of the interview reception, and tell him that he will not participate in the follow-up session. After all, the original owner is holding the tutor No matter what, it is a basic courtesy to have an explanation from the beginning to the end. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to respect the favor of the tutor.