Chapter: 573

"I don't know what the important item he wants to get is..."

While his thoughts were tumbling, Klein wrapped himself with spirituality and fell sharply.

As soon as he returned to the room, he immediately looked around vigilantly, but did not notice any abnormal changes.

Huh, Klein breathed out silently, feeling a little more confident about calling the members of the Tarot Club on time tomorrow afternoon.

He rummaged through the Backlund map he bought on the steam train, and looked for the telegraph office along the subway line, not far from the center of the street.

Backlund currently only has a few subway lines,

Klein quickly identified three targets, one in the West District, one in the St. George District, and one in the intersection of the East District and the Backlund Bridge area.

He recalled the attire and class positioning of most pedestrians in the dream, and got the final answer:

The third place!

The place where the East Borough and the Backlund Bridge area meet!

Sometimes, interpreting revelations also requires a wealth of real knowledge and corresponding reasoning ability... Klein laughed at himself, came to the desk, and added a sentence after the statement he wrote before, making the content on the paper even more Rich: "I don't know the whereabouts of Ian Wright. I haven't seen him since I found Zreal's body. However, I learned through my own channels that Ian Wright once appeared in Bai The telegraph office in Rum Street."

After finishing writing, Klein didn't fold and put away the paper, nor did he use spirituality to ignite it, but let it spread out on the desk, wantonly displaying its own content.

After staring deeply, Klein returned to the bed and undressed to sleep.

Outside the closed curtains, the red moon emerged from the stratus clouds, radiant and perfect.


Hillston District, inside a house.

Forsi, who was sleeping separately from Xio, sat up suddenly, stretched out her hands, and covered her head.

Her pretty good face was distorted to the extreme, as ferocious as a demon.

Forsi pressed her ears on both sides and kept rolling on the bed, as if she was fighting against the illusory ravings.

Drops of sweat were dripping from her forehead, and the veins on the back of her hands were bulging.

Sometimes her body tensed up and sometimes rolled, and her light blue eyes, which were originally playful and lazy, were full of pain.

In the depths of the pupil, there seemed to be countless lights and shadows changing and cascading.

"No!" Forsi finally couldn't bear it any longer, and let out a deep scream.

She no longer covered her ears with her hands, but instead scratched her head, as if to fight the pain with pain.

The body twisted and squirmed for several minutes, and Fors finally stopped.

She let go of her hands, saw the handfuls of slightly curly brown, and laughed weakly at herself: "I lied to Xio, I told her that the ravings of every full moon have no bad effect on least turning around is a Very serious problem..."

Fors sat up with difficulty, looked at the curtain that half covered the window, and through the gap, saw the dreamy crimson full moon outside.

"It's getting worse every time. Will it cause me to lose control next time..." Fors whispered, unable to restrain the weakness buried deep in her heart.

She tried to separate the bracelet that allowed people to teleport through the spirit world from herself, but this could not be exchanged for the disappearance of the full moon's ravings.

She tried taking tranquilizers, chanting the honored name of the god of steam and machinery, and tried some ritual magic, but none of them could change the status quo of her gradually slipping into the abyss.