Chapter: 580

"As far as I know, the 'monster' approach should be mastered by the school of life. This school seems to have a partial sequence of the 'pharmacist' approach. They advocate the triple division of the world of absolute rationality, the world of spirits, and the world of matter. Well, quite cool."

"Zaratul told me that the school of life is good at astrology, and pursues the path of harmonizing the soul with medicine, music, light, wine and fragrance, and eliminating unfavorable astrology and unfavorable fate. It believes that disasters and diseases are the level of man and nature, and the level of man and his own soul. caused by a loss of balance."

"He also added meaningfully that the life school worships the moon."

"Why worship the moon instead of the goddess of the night?"

This diary occupies two pages, and it is obviously copied from the original front and back.

"There's a lot of information..." Klein sighed sincerely and silently.

This is also the first time he knows the name of the potion at the Sequence 1 level.

"Snake of Mercury" and "Snake of Destiny" are really easy to make people yearn for!

"And this is also the first time I know a certain Sequence 2, and know the Sequence 2 corresponding to 'Seer'... The name 'Master of Miracles' is not bad, with rich connotations and a high personality. Of course, compared to 'Prophet' Speaking of which, it feels a bit worse��

"Fate is only a part of the 'Seer' path, not even the main body. I have to remember this, and always look at myself against it. I can't stray to the side of fate. This may lead to the failure of the play...Zaratul's words have been confirmed before and after Look, there is no problem...the 'monster' path is the real path of destiny...'Prophet' turns out to be a Sequence 2. Thinking about it this way, I already knew a Sequence 2..."

Although Klein's eyes did not move away from the paper, he seriously thought about his sequence chain.

Because of the experience of digesting the two potions of "Seer" and "Joker", because of the evolution from peeping at fate, awe of fate to slightly predicting fate, but still feeling helpless about fate, he gradually equated the core essence of his extraordinary path with In terms of fate, if it weren't for this diary, he would probably use this as a premise to understand and act out the subsequent sequences.

As for whether Zaratul lied, one thing Klein can be sure of is that the "monster" path is definitely a sequence of fate,

This was in line with the description he had read from the internal information of the Nighthawks, and also in line with the name of the potion "Prophet" he had heard a long time ago.

Now that there is a sequence of fate, there is a high probability that the "Seer" path will not be repeated with the other party, which will cause a certain degree of overlap, which is inconsistent with the different characteristics of the current sequences.

Therefore, Klein tends to believe Zaratul's words, and tends to believe that fate is only a part of the "Seer" approach, and does not even belong to the subject.

The value of these two pages of the diary is immeasurable to me now... "Alchemist" and "Mystery Scholar" should be high-sequences of the "Generalist" pathway. Judging from Roselle's tone, they definitely do not belong to Sequence 2 and Sequence 1, that is to say, a Sequence 4, a Sequence 3... It is temporarily impossible to determine who is a Sequence 4 and who is a Sequence 3... Klein retracted his thoughts, flipped through the diary, and read on.

As for why the Life School only worships the moon and does not believe in the Goddess of the Night who symbolizes the crimson moon, he couldn't think deeply about it due to the lack of corresponding information.

The third page of the diary is the mental journey of Roselmin's practical steam engine. At one moment, he was worried about being suppressed, and at the same time, he was afraid that the achievements would be taken away by big shots. Every line in the lines revealed that others wanted to persecute him.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Roselle, who considered himself the protagonist of the era, would have such a worried and worried side... Klein twitched his lips, and turned to the fourth page of his diary: "On April 18, Matilda became pregnant."

"This is expected. I can even tell which time she was conceived in love, because at that time I felt the reduction of Extraordinary characteristics."

"Once conception is successful, my own Extraordinary characteristics will follow the mysterious connection and transfer part to my child."

"After that time, I worriedly asked Archbishop Van Estin, and he told me that this is a normal phenomenon, Sequence 7 and below, Extraordinary characteristics will not be passed on to offspring, but not absolutely, Sequence 6 and Sequence 5 will naturally A part of it is inherited, but not much, and it will not affect its own strength too much, and that child will be born with a certain extraordinary ability, close to Sequence Nine, but correspondingly, his path will also be fixed."

"When it comes to the high sequence, the inheritance of Extraordinary characteristics is something that can be controlled. You can choose to inherit, or not inherit, or you can choose to inherit a little, a third, half, or all of it."

"That is to say, the child of a high-sequence powerhouse may be born a Beyonder. As for the sequence, it is determined by his father or mother."

"I don't know if the descendants of the gods are also like this..."

After reading this diary, there were only two phrases in Klein's mind: "Law of Indestructibility of Extraordinary Characteristics" and "Law of Conservation of Extraordinary Characteristics".

This is the survival rule of those mortal creatures? No wonder some magical animals give birth before they die... No wonder there will be a phenomenon of killing and bloodthirsty after giving birth. The target is the same race or even a partner. This is to supplement Extraordinary characteristics... According to this logic, keep going up Push, where did the earliest Beyonder characteristics come from? Out of thin air? Creator of everything?

Because Miss "Justice" has been promoted to "Mind Reader", Klein controlled the urge to nod and continued to read backwards.

The fifth page of the diary is Roselle�s complaints. No one here can appreciate his pop music and thinks he is making noise. The Earl's novel was so popular that the newspaper he founded flourished.