Chapter: 582

separate exchange? In a truly individual communication, you may not be able to understand what the "Sun" is saying, and the same goes for "The Sun", Klein nodded in a calm tone and said, "Okay."

In the circle of Extraordinary people, Hermes language is a must-knowledge. The ancient Hermes language is something that can be learned and is relatively popular. Giant language, dragon language, elf language, etc. are relatively small, and few understand it.

Before he finished speaking, Klein blocked the "Hanged Man" so that he could neither see nor hear it.

Alger was somewhat interested in the dragon's information, but he was not willing to pay the price to listen in, so he kept silent and waited quietly.

Seeing Mister Fool's gesture to start communication, Derrick "Sun" was silent for a few seconds, and organized his words: "The giant dragons are the sworn enemies of the Giant King's Court, and they all look like enlarged lizards. Covered with scales of different colors, their limbs are thick and powerful, and their wings are wide enough to drive their giant bodies to fly fast. They are the rulers of the sky."

"Some of them have fire breath, some can control lightning, some can cause corrosion, and some can create frost,

But this is not the mainstream of the dragon family. The largest number of dragons is the soul dragon represented by the dragon king Angleweed. The extraordinary way from the soul dragon is the audience. In the City of Silver, we It is generally called the Dragon Way. "

For similar transactions, Derrick originally planned to copy the history textbooks of the general education course, but after discovering that Miss "Justice" and Mr. "The Hanged Man" seemed to be in a different "world" with himself, he gradually realized that those things that are common in the City of Silver The value of history, so this time he only mentioned dragons, and did not talk about giants, elves, aliens, phoenixes, vampires and other related information.

"King of Dragons" Angleweed is consistent with what is recorded in the church books. Audrey nodded lightly and politely did not interrupt the narration of "The Sun".

Derrick recalled the teaching material and said: "At that time, the most powerful and terrifying of the dragon clan was the king of dragons, Angleweed, who was also known as the Dragon of Imagination. Besides, his son, Ah Le Suhod is also a famous powerhouse who covers the sky and looks down on the land and sea, and his title is the Nightmare Dragon."

"About Angleweed, the dragon of fantasy, there is such a legend that the items it imagines will surely materialize, the kingdom it imagines will surely come to the material world, and the future it declares will surely come to life. staged, become a reality."

Klein, who was listening, frowned suddenly. If it wasn't for "Justice" Audrey who was listening to "The Sun" with all his heart, he would definitely have noticed his abnormality, even through the thick gray fog.

The description just now made him think of the sealed item "oo8"!

The declared future will definitely be staged, and the characteristics are somewhat consistent! Klein leaned back in the chair, seemingly more relaxed, but actually more focused.

Dragon of fantasy, so cool, this is the performance of the gods! Audrey's eyes sparkled, excited and looking forward to it.

Derrick paused for a few seconds, then continued: "Its son, Al Suhod, the dragon of nightmares, is equally terrifying. He can control the minds of every creature, making them act according to their own will, and these creatures are hard to detect. , think that is their true thought, it will weave a real nightmare in reality, let many creatures join in unconsciously, and then give the most cruel and horrifying ending."

"It is said that it is very fond of pranks. It will make the prince kiss the awakened princess, but most of the awakened princess has rotted away. It will make ordinary girls put on dancing shoes and dance in front of the prince, but they can't stop until Death, it will create all kinds of coincidences, turning the fate of many creatures to tragedy."

All kinds of coincidences sound like this one is more like the sealed item "oo8". Of course, I don't know much about that sealed item. Klein restrained the urge to reach out and rub his chin, making himself look like an ancient well.

"It's really a vicious dragon, but its abilities are very interesting." Audrey said half sighing and half excitedly.

Is this the future of the "audience" approach? No, I'd have to call it the "Dragon" route! I don't want to switch to another sequence! Audrey can't wait to become the "psychologist" of Sequence 7 immediately, and continue to be promoted quickly.

"The Sun" Derrick replied sincerely: "Two or three thousand years have passed since the history of the giant dragon family and the giant royal family. What I know comes from textbooks and legends, so I don't guarantee the truth."

"At least your history is not broken." Audrey comforted her in a good mood, "What happened later?"

"Later? The Lord who created everything woke up. Famous dragons such as the fantasy dragon and the nightmare dragon fell from the sky and lost everything, including life. This made the sun not shine on the earth for forty-nine days, and countless volcanoes Spray, let the floods that submerge everything ravage, and the dragon family has declined since then, and can only retreat to various dangerous places, and after that, the giant royal court was also destroyed by the Lord." Derrick said with a somewhat heavy tone.

This is different from the history I know. Isn�t it the Lord of Storms, the Eternal Sun, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom who lead mankind to defeat dragons, defeat giants, and kill their kings respectively? Audrey was confused for a while, feeling that time, space and history were a bit out of place.

Klein is also full of doubts about this, and feels that the real history is full of mysteries, especially this is the Second Epoch history that is older than ancient.

Most of the myths and legends recorded in the church classics should be false, but the history handed down in the City of Silver can't be completely convinced of what the real history will look like? He restrained his thoughts, smiled and said, "Is the exchange over?"

"That's all I know. Sun" Derrick replied with a little guilt.

He felt that the information he provided did not match the value of the "Prayer for Light" potion formula.

Audrey quietly took a breath, and the corners of her mouth turned up: "I'm very satisfied."

I know the direction of the future, she happily added in her heart.