Chapter: 613

This is probably the risk revealed in the previous divination... If she is dissatisfied and thinks that I attacked her, then I will be finished... Klein thought a little nervously.

This true mood made his performance even more perfect.

The lady bodyguard looked down at herself, and said in an erratic tone, "What was the first spell?"

"I bought a black ear at the party for 400 pounds. It is said that I can hear the voice of a great existence. If I am lucky enough, I can get a lot of benefits. If I am unlucky, I will die on the spot. I couldn't hire a bodyguard at the time. With such danger, I had to take a gamble, and the result was not bad." Klein replied with absolute truth, "After I heard the voice of a great existence, that black ear shattered by itself and became such a spell."

The blue eyes of the bodyguard lady swept across him slowly, and the room was quiet, with a kind of frozen calm.

Finally, the lady in a black court dress nodded: "You'd better find a psychiatrist."

Meaning, I've become a potential lunatic? Well, she guessed that it was the relic of the "Listener", and she also understood that Rosago's spirituality must have been polluted by the "True Creator", and she would not suspect that I deliberately let her fall into a deep sleep and took the opportunity to psychic... This can also explain why I Get rid of the influence of raving faster than her, after all, I am a potential lunatic created by the "True Creator"... Klein hooked the corner of his mouth.

"Let's clean up the scene quickly, maybe people from MI9 will come and take a look." He pointed at Rosago's headless body.

While speaking, Klein put on his gloves, moved closer, squatted down, and quickly searched for the relic.

He quickly found more than ten pounds in cash, some essential oils and herbal powder, two crudely cut paper figurines, and a strange piece of paper.

The paper was orange in color, and a blank rectangle was circled on it with the symbol corresponding to the sun and the magic logo. Just holding it in the hand made people feel very warm and stable.

"What is this?" Klein didn't hide his doubts.

The bodyguard lady floated behind him at some point, and simply replied: "The magic item corresponding to the notary."

"Notary?" Klein was stunned at first, and then thought that Rosago was an intelligence officer of the Republic of Intis, who believed in the Eternal Blazing Sun, the God of Steam and Machinery, and the Eternal Blazing Sun was also the God of Contract.

Is this Sequence 6 of the "Singer" pathway, or Sequence 5?

"The notarization is valid, the extraordinary ability is temporarily improved, the notarization is invalid, and the extraordinary ability is forcibly dispelled." Miss Bodyguard did not explain much, and briefly described the effect.

Klein was about to speak, when he suddenly saw some faint rays of light emanating from Rosago's headless body and blood brain, attracting each other and condensing into a ball, turning into a completely black eye without pupils.

"This, what is it?" Klein asked again pretending to be ignorant.

"Things of no value." Miss Bodyguard maintained her unique way of speaking.

"No value?" Klein frowned and asked back.

He actually understood what Miss Bodyguard meant. Generally speaking, if Rosago loses control in the end, he will leave behind a weird and terrifying sealed item. If not, these Extraordinary characteristics of him can be used as the potion of Sequence 5 "Master of Puppets" The main material, in short, will have a high value.

But the problem is that he was not out of control, and was polluted by the real creator, so he became the main material of the potion with the brand of the evil god, and used it to prepare "Master of Puppets". Klein believed that he committed suicide by taking poison.

Miss Bodyguard looked at the black eye, and said in a low voice, "It's been polluted by evil gods, it's worthless."

If it's really valuable, and if it's very valuable, I still have to worry about whether you'll get rid of me... Klein pointed to Rosago's relic and said, "This is our common spoil. Each person picks some, you go first."

The bodyguard lady glanced sideways at him, said nothing, and floated over to take the "notarial certificate".

It's the same as I thought... In the future, I have to find and learn the knowledge of the mysterious field that removes the pollution of evil gods... Klein took out the iron cigarette case, bent down and picked up the all-black eye.

As soon as Klein's fingers touched the all-black eye, auditory hallucinations appeared in his ears, and his head throbbed.

But at the same time, something strange appeared in his field of vision.

Those were countless black illusory thin threads, spreading from the bodyguard lady and himself, from every part of the body, penetrating the void, leading to infinity.

This is a horrifying picture that can make people with dense object phobia faint.