Chapter: 622

The bodyguard lady replied without any ups and downs: "I can go without food for two weeks."

While speaking, she turned around, turned her back to Klein, floated towards the mirror, and disappeared instantly.

What sequence is she... Klein thought curiously, and put the portable camera back into the suitcase.

After all this, he went to the bathroom and sorted out his personal problems.

After washing his hands and wiping his face, Klein looked in the mirror and examined his current appearance:

Because he didn't shave this morning, his mouth and chin have a bit of blue-black stubble, his hair is parted on both sides in a 37 ratio, and he wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face, with a gentle and bookish air that is somewhat mature.

There is a certain difference from before, but it can still be recognized after careful observation. When the beard grows to a certain extent, there is no need to worry too much... After being promoted to Sequence 6 "Faceless Man", there is no need to be afraid of anything... Klein He took out his gold pocket watch, pressed it open, took a look, walked out of the bathroom, picked up his suitcase, and went to the cafeteria on the first floor.

It was just after 9:00, and it was still part of the breakfast category. Klein took a double-sided soft-boiled omelet, a piece of white bread, a piece of butter, a Dixie pie, a piece of bacon, and a cup of marquise black tea with lemon slices floating in it. .

While looking for a seat, he suddenly saw an acquaintance, that is the surgeon Alan Kress who recommended him to join the club.

The tall, thin gentleman was sitting alone in a corner. He had finished his breakfast and was drinking coffee while flipping through the newspaper.

"Good morning, Dr. Chris." Klein walked over and greeted the somewhat indifferent Alan.

The surgeon pushed the frame on his nose and said, "Just call me Allen, Detective Moriarty."

"According to the principle of reciprocity, you have to call me Sherlock." Klein took the opportunity to sit down, "Is there any news today? I came out in a hurry and haven't read the newspaper yet."

"Ambassador Intis was assassinated, and a terrorist organization called the 'Aurora Order' claimed responsibility. Hey, the world is getting more and more chaotic. Sooner or later, there will be an all-out war that will affect the north and south continents." Allen said with emotion .

"Sir, the war has never stopped, but we can enjoy peace." Klein ate the fried egg and responded with a smile, "What a pity, it is impossible to invite private detectives like us to help with such an important case."

Allen flipped through the newspaper and said: "This news has little to do with us. The really important thing is that today or tomorrow, after a long dispute between the Upper and Lower Houses, some things will finally be passed. , and the corresponding charter and implementation plan, the second is to set up an 'air pollution investigation committee', the third is to set up a separate alkali industry prosecutor, the latter two are to deal with pollution, God, they finally started to pay attention to this issue, the hospital Among patients, the number of lung diseases has been rising."

Is it finally time to pass? I don't know how Benson is preparing... Will it be affected by my death... Klein suddenly smiled brightly and said, "This is a good thing."

"For Mary, this is a very good thing. She wants to make herself, or her husband Doragu, a member of the 'Kingdom Air Pollution Investigation Committee'. position, and is a believer of the goddess, regardless of any institution, there is always a need for balance." Allen mentioned Klein's employer, "I suggest that she often comes to the club recently, and we have several members of the House of Commons here."

In the Loen Kingdom, the members of the House of Commons are mainly rich and wealthy and representatives of some nobles, but there are also many professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, priests, teachers, scientists, and accountants.

The Cragg Club targets middle-class professionals of all kinds, regardless of party affiliation.

Klein didn't know much about similar aspects, so he casually responded with a few words, and turned to chat: "Alan, today is Friday, don't you need to go back to the hospital?"

"No, I'm on leave. It's been terrible recently." Allen frowned suddenly.

"What happened?" Klein drank his lipstick and said.

Because Bakerland had just been assassinated, Rosago's body was thrown into the sewer far away, and he didn't know when it would be discovered. Klein was concerned about the aftermath and his own imperfection of the disguise, so he didn't plan to take any difficult and easy to expose himself recently. Tasks, so he's interested in the potential, the easy, and the well-paying.

Allen put down the newspaper and sighed: "I've been unlucky recently. I made mistakes in several consecutive surgeries, but luckily it didn't cause too serious consequences, otherwise I might have had my license revoked."

Although in the current era, it is not big news for surgeons to die during surgery, it is a common thing, but if a serious accident is caused by their own mistakes, the punishment is still quite severe.

Well, I can't help you much... Well, actually, I know a transfer ritual, but its effect is to send you above the gray fog... Klein lowered his head and gnawed on the bread.

After breakfast, he bid farewell to Allen, first went to withdraw 500 pounds in cash, gave 300 pounds to the bodyguard lady, and then returned home, waiting for the photos to be developed, while hoping for some simple entrustment to come to the door, but unfortunately, there is no one for the time being. superior.

In the evening, Klein was about to go out again, aiming at the "Brave Bar".

With Miss Bodyguard around, he hoped to get in touch with more circles of Beyonders.