Chapter: 639

The war more than 600 years ago was a war involving religion. The Fenepot Kingdom in the south originally believed in the Mother Earth and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom at the same time, but under the influence of certain factors, the two Serious conflicts emerged in the church, and believers often clashed.

Its two neighbors to the north, the Kingdom of Loen and the Kingdom of Intis at that time seized this opportunity to start a war on the pretext of protecting freedom of belief. Later, the Fusac Empire joined in and tried to destroy the plot of Loen and Intis. But still failed to reverse the situation, suffered a failure.

As a result of the war, countries such as Lunburg, Masik, and Segar, which were located at the junction of Loen and Fenepot, and Intis and Fenepot respectively, became independent, with the belief in the God of Knowledge and Wisdom as their core. Lord, there is only the Mother Earth Church left in the Fenepot Kingdom.

Because both sides of the war accused their opponents of betraying the end of the Fourth Epoch, this conflict that lasted for five years was called the "War of Oath Breaking".

After that, the Northern Continent had an era of peace for more than 300 years. This does not mean that there were no conflicts between countries, but that there were no such large-scale wars anymore. All this continued until Roselle invented the steam engine, improved sailing ships and artillery.

This is what is recorded in the history textbook... Now that I think about it, since belief is involved, there must be extraordinary people from the church involved, and a fierce war of supernatural beings must have erupted secretly... However, it is said that at that time, it was already an era when supernatural beings were rare , the number of Extraordinary people is not many...Squad-style battle? Could the sudden decline of the Pound family decades ago and the continuous loss of heirs be related to the discovery of the ancient underground building? Klein asked thoughtfully: "Then do you know where Baron Pound is currently living?"

"Sorry, I don't know." Miller shook his head slightly.

Klein asked a few more questions, but seeing that he couldn't get any more information, he left and returned to No. 15 Minsk Street.

At this time, it was nearly 5:30, and the sky was gloomy and dark, like night. Klein thought that the public libraries should have closed, so he temporarily put aside the matter of the underground construction and prepared dinner for himself.

He originally wanted to learn how to make Fenbo noodles according to the recipe in the newspaper, but he made noodles mixed with meat and sauce and vegetables, which tasted surprisingly good.

After eating and drinking enough, Klein tossed a coin casually, divination whether he should call the police now, and got an answer that he shouldn't.


Backlund at night is as quiet as any other city, at least in the Jowood area.

Klein was sleeping soundly, wandering vaguely in different dreams. Suddenly, he was startled and deeply aware that he was dreaming.

Someone invaded my dreams? Klein restrained the urge to frown, and looked around in a pretended daze.

He found himself in a scalding yellow desert.

Suddenly there was a roar from the sky, and a huge monster with black and gold was soaring towards it.

The monster has a thick, lizard-like body with a pair of broad leather-covered wings growing from its back. It is getting lower and lower, covering the sun in the sky.

A giant dragon! Powerful dragon! Klein saw the scales the size of a plate, the huge mouth emitting pure light, and two dark golden vertical pupils.


The giant dragon spat out a ray of light, which seemed to cover everything without bounds, and the large desert was wiped out.

Amidst the light, a figure jumped into the air.

He is three or four meters tall, but he doesn't have the unique vertical single eye of a giant. He has a handsome, young face, and he wears a full-body black armor that looks like blood has been splashed.

This giant-like knight swung his broadsword from bottom to top, and countless blue-white and purple flames condensed into long spears, and shot at the giant dragon densely. He seemed to have a whole legion of illusory extraordinary beings to cooperate. fight!

In the shower of meteors and fire, the giant knight jumped on top of the dragon's head, and made a slashing movement.

The afterimages he dragged out overlapped instantly, and the sword light turned into converging lightning.


The ground shook wildly, the dragon fell down, and the blood was dark gold.

At this time, the picture suddenly changed, showing a bloody door, which was exactly the bloody door that Klein saw in the innermost part of the ancient building in the afternoon.

With a creak, the bloody door opened a gap, allowing people to vaguely see a black high-back chair.