Chapter: 679

After he finished solving the problem, someone suddenly patted his shoulder.

Gene couldn't help shivering a few times, quickly lifted his trousers, looked halfway around, and saw a short boy in a canvas coat and peaked cap.

The "boy" raised his head, revealing a soft and delicate face although it was extremely dirty.

"Hugh? Why are you dressed like this?" Gene blurted out in astonishment.

Xio put up his index finger and put it against his lips, signaling for the other party to silence.

Immediately afterwards, she suppressed her voice and said, "I'll ask you an answer, keep your voice down."

Intimidated by the majesty, Jin only had the idea of ??nodding.

"Among those guys that Williams knew, who else died in the past two days?" Xio asked in a deep voice.

Gene recalled carefully with his brain paralyzed by alcohol: "Gavin! Gavin was found drowned in the Tussock River this morning!"

"He should have fallen last night. This poor guy doesn't know how to swim at all, and he likes to go to the river to enjoy the wind after getting drunk."

Xio's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he asked without thinking: "Did Gavin accept Williams' commission to find the wanted criminal Lanwusi?"

"Of course, we all got this commission from Williams. Anyway, it's not a troublesome thing anyway. We just need to show the portrait to everyone we know and let them notice if there are any similar guys. That's it, oh Williams, he said, and said, if there's a clue, buy me three days of wine and three days of meat! Poor guy, he died in a gas explosion, so, so I'm determined not to let the landlord install gas pipes! Uh... this was a few months ago, and I can only live in cheap hotels now." Gene rambled.

"What area is Gavin in charge of? Did he mention anything to you?" Xio looked sideways, pursed his lips, and then stared at Gene's face and asked.

"He, he usually goes near the East Balam Dock in the dock area. He met me yesterday evening and said that he went to the Workers' Union Tavern there to spread the news of the search for Lanwusi and to the people present. I saw the portrait of Lanwusi." Gene hiccupped.

There are many piers in Backlund, most of them are classified into the dock area and named as various "docks".

"What's next? Did Gavin say what he's going to do next?" Xio asked again, frowning in doubt.

"Of course, drink, of course! He's going to have a good drink and then find a place to sleep! Oh, the poor fellow must have been drinking hot enough to try to take a bath in the river, and forget he can't swim, and It's almost winter!" Genn sighed again.

This... Gavin didn't find anything. He just went to the Workers' Union Tavern in the East Balam Dock to distribute the "leaflets" looking for Lanwusi, and he was killed in the end, and Williams was also implicated... The murderer's reaction It can no longer be described as extreme, it is simply a lunatic...

If I were Lanerus, the best and easiest choice would be to change places immediately and avoid searching, unless, unless he was caught in something and couldn't leave for a long time... However, there is no one looking for him. Just me, and many bounty hunters, can he kill Williams, can he kill so many people? If he has the ability, he will go and kill the Sivelas field where the arrest warrant was issued!

Hugh felt as completely incomprehensible as she was of Williams' death.

In the end, she decided to report the problems she encountered to Miss Audrey first, and then went to the Workers' Union Tavern in the East Balam Dock in disguise. She didn't ask, but just observed to see if there were any suspicious people.


Jorwood District, Rice Police Precinct.

Klein once again squeezed with the thieves and drunks on a long bench with a backrest.

It's really unlucky... I even encountered the police inspection, and I couldn't change the route in time. It's all because of that damned serial killer! While cursing a certain guy, Klein was thinking about how to hide the spells and unexplained herbal powder on his body, so as to avoid the subsequent body search.

He tried to pack these things in black gloves, and then found an opportunity to stuff them into a hidden place in the police station, and retrieve them when he left.

At this moment, his eyes lit up, and he saw Jurgen Cooper, a young lawyer with his hair neatly brushed back and formally dressed as if he was going to a banquet, walked over accompanied by a police officer.

"You can sign and leave." Jurgen said with his usual serious expression.

"That's all right?" Klein asked in surprise.

Jurgen nodded slightly and said, "Yes, they know you are a well-known detective."