Chapter: 718

The blue veins on his forehead were bulging and protruding, and his head seemed to be bursting, bursting!

However, this is not a difficult state for Klein. The terrifying raving before entering the gray fog and the evil roar of the "True Creator" are much more terrifying than this.


The misty and illusory temptation reverberated again. Klein's head swelled and shrank, and he gradually recovered his thoughts. He began to consciously restrain his thoughts, outline the ball of light, and gradually approached the meditative state.

After an unknown period of time, his sight recovered, and at the same time he felt itchy all over his body, especially his arms.

Klein hurriedly rolled up his sleeves, and was shocked to see that the skin on one of his arms was deeply wrinkled, like a centenarian, while the other lost its color and became transparent, allowing him to directly see the blood vessels, muscles, and veins inside.

Is this... still a little out of control? No, there shouldn't be any, this is the residual effect... Klein sat in the darkness, on the sofa, leaning forward, watching the abnormality of his arms vigilantly, as if a monster was being bred there.

He heard the sound of pedestrians passing by on the street outside, heard Mrs. Starling welcoming her husband who had returned for more than half an hour late, and heard Mr. Summer complaining that there were too many carriages on the street and the road was too narrow, causing congestion.

And all of this had nothing to do with Klein. He sat quietly on the sofa deep in the darkness, watching the wrinkled skin and transparent state of his arms recover bit by bit.

Five or six minutes later, everything was finally back to normal, and Klein sighed silently: "Fortunately, no one came to knock on the door and ring the bell at this time... I completely digested the potion of Sequence 8 before choosing to be promoted, and there are such serious residual effects , those Extraordinary who have been honed by time, must be quite difficult to pass this test."

"No wonder the captain spent nine years..."

"No wonder the owner of the Dragon Bar, former Punisher Captain Swain, has never dared to take the Sequence 7 'Navigator' potion..."

After sitting still for more than ten seconds, Klein slowly stood up.

At this moment, he is already a Extraordinary in the middle sequence.

At this moment, he is already a "magician".

Taking two steps forward and crossing the coffee table, Klein moved his body and shook his wrist, but found no abnormality.

He looked out of the oriel window and illuminated the dim and gloomy gas street lamps, and thoughtfully said to himself: "My hands are more dexterous and my movements are more agile. Even if I don't have extraordinary abilities, as long as I study hard, I can become a top-notch person." magician."

This is his first impression of his own changes.

And as recorded in the internal information of the Nighthawks, if the potion will provide certain magical abilities, after taking it, the Extraordinary will be aware of it and grasp the specifics, just like the corresponding knowledge is infused through a mysterious way. In the mind, rubbing in the spirit.

"I almost exploded my head just now..." Klein smiled and shook his head, carefully recalling his previous feelings and corresponding spells.

It has to be said that "Magician" is indeed a powerful Sequence 7, possessing many magical abilities, and all of them can be cast quickly.

Among them, there are three that Klein values ??and likes the most.

At the top of the list, "Damage Transfer"!

As long as he doesn't die directly, and as long as his hands can still move, he can transfer the wounds in vital places to less important places such as his arms, turning fatal injuries into minor injuries. This is a supernatural ability that is very useful in actual combat to save his life.

The only problem is that at the stage of Sequence 7, wounds can only be transferred on oneself, and there is only one chance. Maybe as one's own sequence improves, one can transfer items to others... It's really a kind of magic It feels like... Klein imagined the future.

The second spell is "flame jump", within a range of 30 meters, he can flash between the fire left by himself and the original flame, which is similar to teleportation, which seems to be special with the help of the spirit world.

Well, it can be very well used to perform magic tricks... Klein laughed at himself very satisfied in his heart.

More importantly, as he digested the potion and as his sequence improved, the range of "flame jump" would become significantly larger.

The extraordinary ability of the third kind of spell is the "air bomb" that Klein once saw from the tuxedo clown in the Secret Order.

"Magicians" can create air bullets that are as powerful and fast as the bullets fired by a custom-made revolver by snapping their fingers, simulating sounds, etc., and its effect will also follow the progress of the digestion of the potion and the development of its own sequence Ascension, Klein suspected that at the Sequence 5 or Sequence 4 stage, he could rub cannonballs with his hands.