Chapter: 720

Suddenly, she frowned and dropped the food and pen in her hand.

The moonlight shining through the window became thicker and redder, and Forsi's expression became more and more painful.

Whenever the moon is full, she will hear the crazy raving!


She fell off the sofa, twisting and struggling there.

After a while, she grabbed a large handful of hair, but the pain did not relieve the symptoms like her head was about to explode, and did not calm down her restlessness of wanting to end her life with a knife.

"It's coming again..." Forsi whispered in pain, her legs twitched and stretched.

She recited the honorable name of the god she believed in with great difficulty, wanting to gain salvation: "The great, god of steam and machinery..."

"You are the essence, the avatar..."

"You are artisan's, protector..."

"You are the brilliance of technology, the brilliance..."

While chanting over and over again, Forsi's pain has not been weakened, but has become more and more intense.


While tumbling violently, she accidentally knocked down the coffee table, and the books on it were scattered on the ground.

Fors, who could no longer bear it any longer, frantically scratched the wooden legs of the coffee table with her nails, scratching out deep marks one after another, making teeth-stinging creaking sounds.


Her nails snapped off abruptly!

Her hair is growing weirdly!

At this moment, Fors felt that she would lose control tonight and turn into a monster. She had recited the honorable names of several gods just now, but none of them were saved.

"I'm going to die... I'm going to die..." She twisted and rolled, and suddenly saw a piece of paper with ancient Hermes words written on it.

That was the mysterious incantation that Xio discovered from the "History of the Nobles of the Loen Kingdom"!

Her silent recitation even attracted the existence of suspected evil spirits!

Even if the evil spirits... as long as they can, help me... I am willing to accept it... Such a thought flashed through Forsi's head not very clearly.

She struggled to look over, and whispered with all her strength: "I don't belong to this era, the fool..."

"Above the gray mist, yes, the mysterious master..."

"In charge, good luck, king of yellow and black..."

"Help me, save me..."

Klein had just put on his double-breasted frock coat, picked up his half-height silk top hat, and walked towards the door when he suddenly heard layers of illusory prayers echoing.

who? He frowned slightly, and listened carefully, but he could only confirm that the supplicant was a lady, and her voice was intermittent, as if she was in great pain.

Thinking that there was nothing particularly important, the newly promoted "Magician" Klein casually threw the half-height silk top hat on the coat rack without any mistakes. palace.