Chapter: 723

Fors hesitated and said, "Whenever I meet a full moon, can I recite your name?"

"I, I will be your pious disciple!"

"No, there's no need." Klein shook his head with a smile, "But I don't mind helping you by the way."

"Thank you so much!" Forsi suspected that she was making a deal with the evil god, but she never wanted to experience the painful "nightmare" similar to the previous one.

After confirming this matter, she relaxed a lot, and noticed that there were many seats around the long bronze table, so she tentatively asked: "Mr. Fool, it seems that there are other people in your place who often come and go?"

No, maybe it's not necessarily a human being... Forsi silently added.

Klein smiled relaxedly: "It was a few people similar to you who were drawn here by me for various reasons."

"They hope that I can hold regular gatherings to trade formulas, buy and sell materials, exchange news, and entrust missions."

"I promised them."

Forsi's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, and thinking that she had fallen into it, she boldly asked, "Mr. Fool, can I join this party?"

"Yes, every Monday at three o'clock in the afternoon, eliminate interference." Klein smiled and pointed to the cards that suddenly appeared on the surface of the long bronze table, "They decided to use the names of the Tarot cards as their respective code names, and you can choose Pick one, there are already owners below, so you can't choose..."

Forsi nodded, shuffled and cut the cards with great interest, and muttered: "Let fate arrange my title..."

Soon, she drew out a card, glanced at it and said, "Magician!"

Fors lying on the floor of the living room twitched her eyelashes a few times, slowly opened her eyes, and saw the bright moon hanging high outside the window, like a disc full of scarlet brilliance. Bloody.

I'm not dead, I'm not out of control... I wasn't dreaming just now... There really was a mysterious and powerful Mister Fool who saved me... Fors turned over and sat up, inspected herself, and found that except for her hair, which had become longer and thicker, the rest There are no other abnormalities in the site.

"But compared to before, my life is completely different... I don't know if it's good or bad..." Silently talking to herself, Forsi sat on the ground with her knees hugged like that, dazed, sometimes hesitant, sometimes Uneasy, sometimes sad, sometimes at a loss.


Above the gray fog, Klein looked at the chair with the symbol of "the door of layered superposition" behind him, and whispered thoughtfully: "I don't know what information is contained in that raving..."

"When she has a Sequence 7 or a Sequence 6, she should be able to resist the negative effects and hear the ravings clearly."

"If she hasn't mastered the 'acting method' yet, let Miss Justice teach me. I have sworn to the goddess with sacred objects, and I can't say similar things in front of people who don't understand the 'acting method' .�

"...When I advance to Sequence 5 and become a 'Secret Puppet Master', maybe I can use the corresponding rituals and the special features of this mysterious space to manipulate her remotely, directly see the scenes she sees, and hear the voices she hears."

"That way we can confirm if it's Mister 'Gate'..."

"This is a gentleman who has witnessed the history of the Fourth Epoch. He is probably older than Mr. Azik who has lived life after life."

"I don't know what sequence his strength and level are equivalent to, 2? Or even 1?"

After thinking about it for a while, he felt spiritual instability, and hurriedly fell into the gray mist and returned to the real world.

This is a normal phenomenon not long after he was promoted, so Klein gave up his plan to go out and patiently meditated at home to curb his loose spirituality.


In the early morning, Fors took the earliest steam subway and returned to St. George's district, then took a public carriage, and arrived at the two-bedroom room where she and Xio are currently living.

As soon as she opened the door and entered, she was shocked to find that Hugh, who usually slept late, was baking bread.

"There was a sudden blood moon last night, which made me sleep a little bit. I woke up very early. Forsi, are you okay? Has that strange raving got stronger?" Xio raised his head and asked with concern. asked a question.