Chapter: 748

The outer layer of the small half of the candle seemed to be wrapped in a circle of human skin, but there were several bumps protruding.

Its candle stamen is only as high as a knuckle, and the whole body is pitch black, with fine and dense scale-like patterns separated out.

"You light it spiritually." Utravsky handed the small piece of strange candle to Klein.

Klein did not immediately follow what he said. Instead, he took out the fire color box, took out a few, put them in his trouser pocket, and blew out a few, then threw them to different corners of the church. Then, he adjusted the paper Locations of people, sticky notes, strips of paper, Azik's brass whistle, and various spells.

This is based on his preparations for the worst possible situation.

After finishing all this, Klein snapped his fingers, causing a light blue spiritual flame to emerge from his fingertips.


He brought the flame to the top of the small half of the candle, watching the dark core of the candle light up.

Everything around him didn't seem to have changed in any way, but Klein clearly realized that he had entered the spiritual world.

He saw Bishop Utravsky standing directly in front of him, his robust body over 2.20 meters felt extremely oppressive.

The repentant bishop looked down at the opposite side, the muscles of his face twisted a little bit, and his expression became extremely fierce.

Immediately afterwards, Klein noticed that the surrounding lights and shadows were rapidly changing, and he felt that he was experiencing a real and fierce battle.


At the end of the battle, Bishop Utravsky fell heavily to the ground, bleeding and breathless.

The sober and rational Klein watched this scene blankly, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he silently commented: "The performance was very professional."

"But I know it's a dream within a dream."

Klein lowered his head at this time, but he could no longer see the strange candle wrapped in something like human skin in his hand, but there was always a light and slightly sweet fragrance lingering at the end of his nose.

Ignoring Bishop Utravsky, who was lying in a pool of blood, he took out the matchbox and lit one.

With the light of that spark, the blood on the ground quickly disappeared, and the messy church hall became neat again.

The giant-like Utravsky slowly got up, looked down at Klein, and said with a distorted face: "It didn't work..."

"No wonder you dare to accept this commission."

"However, this is your misfortune. I didn't want to kill you."

While he was speaking, the light of candles on both sides of the church flickered obviously, and the whole hall suddenly became brighter, but it was soft and not blazing, just like the morning light shining in at the end of night.

The invisible spirit was disappearing quickly. Klein didn't talk nonsense. He threw away the match, moved his cheeks, and simulated a sound: "Bang!"

The invisible air bullet shot out, and hit Bishop Utravsky's chest heavily, making a clear and resonant crisp sound. However, that "giant" bishop had put on a suit covering him at some point. The whole body is covered with silver-white armor, gauntlets, breastplate, crowned helmet, and so on.

At this moment, the silver-white "metal" on his chest was cracked like a spider's web, but it was not completely broken, and it was even slowly recovering.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Klein made continuous noises, creating two air bombs connected end to end, causing them to still run towards the enemy's chest, trying to completely break through the defense there by relying on constant blows!

However, he saw Bishop Utravsky holding a heavy and thick giant sword that seemed to be condensed with light, and he deftly blocked the two air bombs with it. One.
