Chapter: 765

Her face was smooth and fair, her eyebrows and eyes were magnificent, and she looked to be in her early thirties, and her pair of light gray eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the soul.

"En." Facing Derrick's greeting, Lovia nodded slightly, without saying anything, and silently left between the two rows of bookshelves with the classic.

Elder Lovia seemed to be back to normal. Unlike before, she always switched irregularly between different states, sometimes crying, sometimes sneering, sometimes groaning, sometimes indifferent... Derrick subconsciously flashed this thought .

Suddenly, he was inexplicably frightened.

Because Elder Lovia is back to normal...



After looking through all the files, Klein couldn't find any records about animals.

Apparently, the original investigation ignored this issue.

"Well, I have to remember my previous thoughts, and I can't investigate recklessly on my own. Let alone whether I have enough special skills to evade the 'demon''s premonition and grasp of danger, just the possibility of meeting the responsible Nighthawks is very troublesome. Things, my goal has always been to assist, analyze the case, make guesses, and judge the authenticity of the clues..." Klein thought about what he should do.

After understanding the ability of the "devil", he did not dare to hand over the matter of investigating whether the previous suspects had pets to Stuart for the time being, as this might kill him.

"Now it's just a preliminary investigation without direction. Stuart should not encounter anything. The 'demons' are not those lunatics of the Aurora Society, and they will not actively expose themselves. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Stuart will definitely be able to The report has been submitted, and there may be clues hidden in it that others cannot detect." Klein stood up, pacing back and forth in the living room with his hands in his pockets.

The problem he's struggling with now is how to get the main investigators to include animals in their sights.

Mention it directly, definitely not, it will attract suspicion, and it is the same if it is too obvious to lead secretly... Hey, I am not an "audience", and I don't have extraordinary abilities in this area... Klein thought carefully, carefully deliberated, and finally decided on a plan .

He took out the letter paper, held the pen, and wrote: "Dear Mr. Stanton:"

"I thought of a question. When the detectives were discussing before, they all thought that the murderer's movements were very skillful, and there were no traces of roughness. He was very experienced. I believe that this cannot be innate, and must have a wealth of experience as a basis, such as A surgical student in a medical school is like a butcher in a butcher shop."

"I used this to speculate that he might have done similar cases before. This is one direction of the investigation, and it is also the focus of my attention now."

"But after two days of repeated thinking, I think this is incomplete. Maybe, he didn't gain experience by killing people."

"Is there such a possibility that he used poor animals to practice? Live, different kinds of animals."

"The animals that die in Backlund every day cannot be counted, and the ones that disappear in the depths of the sewers are even more unknown. This is a good practice object."

"The above is my immature point of view, I hope to communicate with you."

"Sherlock Moriarty."

Klein didn't directly mention that the murderer might be a demonized animal. He also found a reason to practice, hoping that Isengard Stanton would take this opportunity to notice the neglected "animal world" and remind the official Extraordinary in charge.

As he was writing, he suddenly felt that this was also a direction.

The reason why the "demon" has never been caught is because it hunts and kills animals most of the time.

And animals hunting animals is not something to be concerned about.

That's it, I hope it can inspire them... Klein folded the letter paper, dressed neatly, and delivered it to the mailbox at the end of the street.

Fifteen minutes later, Lawyer Jurgen looked at Detective Sherlock passing by the oriel window one after another, finally couldn't help opening the door, and asked politely, "Mr. Moriarty, did you forget your key?"

"Uh, sort of." Klein squeezed out a smile and said.

"Why don't you come to my house as a guest? After dinner, you go back after dark. I know that your private detectives are very good at climbing." Jurgen invited with a serious expression.